
Makeup alley swap ??

by  |  earlier

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i am new on and i was woundering what the site is all about and the swaping thing i dont get.. can someone please explain it ??




  1. I don't know what it is but you should never swap your makeup with anyone else.  Never share.  You can get bacteria that causes pimples and rashes.

  2. Swaping is basically what people do when they get makeup and try it and it doesn't work for them for some reason.  They list it for swap and hope someone else comes along who 1- wants the item they have and 2- has something they in turn want. The general rules for a beginning swapper are

    1- get all the items together you don't want anymore and would like to swap.  They can be new or lightly used, but if it's almost gone or really old, people don't want it.  Also avoid items that are hard for others to sanitize like mascara and wand-type lipglosses.

    2- list them on your swap list.  Be sure to put the product type (eyeshadow, blush, etc), the brand name, color name in the subject line.  In the description, put what condition it's in, be VERY specific, don't say it's new if you've used it, list if it has any damages, if it has a small dip, etc.  Add pictures if possible.  

    3- create a wishlist if you want of products you want.

    4- wait for people to message you.  They will tell what product of yours they want and either tell you what item from your wishlist they have or ask you to look at their swaplist.  If you like something you see, write them back saying you'd like to swap for that item.

    5- if they agree and think it's a fair swap, you'll exchange addresses.  As a new swapper you'll have to ship first, they'll send your new item after they receive yours.  After the swap is over both parties leave a token (feedback) for the other.  You can leave a positive, neutral, or negative token depending on how the swap went.  

    Happy swapping! Feel free to message me if you have any other MUA questions, I've been there almost a year and have almost 50 successful swaps.  
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