
Makeup at what age and why?

by Guest62043  |  earlier

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And is it good or bad to want my child to learn to wear makeup by a licensed cosmologist? I don't wear much so I sure don't know how to advise her (she is 10 so young right now, but a little later...)




  1. yeah 10 is a young age to be wearing make up. but wanting her to know how to apply it by a licensed cosmetologist is a great idea. that way she knows how much to apply without over doing it. natural look is the best way. never want to look over done. this way she can know what looks good for her skin tone and how she should wear her make up during the day and also make up for night..when she gets old enough to date of course. that's a great suggestion mom. good job.

  2. I think girls that wear makeup can be really attractive, so yeah get that taught right! Then answer my question! Pic included.

  3. yes i would suggest later

    my daughter went to a place called MAC on her 13th birthday to get advice on what type of makeup she should be wearing at her age and what colours i would wait till maybe 13. By the way it was free to try on makeup they put it on for you they are really nice.

    Hope this helps

  4. 13. she is now technically a teenager! but start her off slowly, maybe in this order giving her one or two new things a year.

    13-lipgloss/clear mascara

    14-concealer/nude eyeshadow

    15-colored lipgloss/black mascara

    16-colored eyeshadow/eyeliner

    hope this helps!

  5. umm , she doesnt need make up at a young age,

    maybe at 14 or 15  ? .. but not too much

    just some eye make up (mascaraa, eye liner)

  6. She is really young..Too young to even get it done professionally for awhile..Start off simple like flavored colored chapsticks and lip glosses in fun colors nothing like red or brown..

    And do her nails in fun colors...When she hits 13 then maybe she can start to expend slightly..

    Just my opinion because i believe young grls are beautifull with out makeup on..It hides their true innocence so keep it simple and have fun with it!

  7. Whatever age you feel it could add to her confidence.

    I started wearing makeup when I was about 11, but only cover up.x__X When I was 13 I wore mascara and eyeliner as well.

    I don't think it's a bad idea to teach her how to wear make up, to many girls wear way to much makeup and it looks horrible and fake. Think of it as a life lesson=]

    And I don't agree that she should start wearing makeup at 13. She should start when you feel she is ready and mature enough (so she doesn't go overboard or anything). Also, if she starts getting acne at a young age, which i did, please just give her some cover up. It can change how she feels about herself!

  8. Well first I dont have kids... But I am a bit old school and I know I will be old school with my kids.

    I was allowed to wear clear chapstick until I was in the 11th grade, then I was allows to wear lip gloss no color tint though. My mother basically told me that she didnt want me to get in the mind frame that make up/ clothing was what made a woman. Also she didnt want me to advertise to "perverts" (adult men), by making me appear to be ACTING more mature than my age.

    I personally agree... I feel the same in regards to certain clothes and wearing heels.

    A lesson learned from my mother was if you want to act grown, then be grown and have your own house, and own bills under your own name, then you can wear and do what you want. But while under her rules its her way or the belt on your behind!

  9. as long as she wears it the right way and doesn't look like one of those pre-teen s***s

  10. Truly it's completely your decision.

    My opinion is that the youngest a kid should wear make up is when they are going into middle school. I think that your daughter could learn how to wear make up and how to put it on, but I think that you should only let her wear it on special occasions, and not to school everyday until she's older.

    To teach her how, I would just get simple stuff.

    Go to Claire's or walgreens and get

    -Eye Shadow [for someone her age, just get shades of brown or goldish]

    - I would suggest that she doesn't get eye liner or mascara 'till she is older

    -Maybe blush?

    -Get her lipgloss

    To tell her how to use it, basically

    -For the eye shadow...

       -Use a bright almost whitish color right under the eyebrow and put it going down to a little bit above your eyelid.

       -Get a gold or light brown for the whole eyelid.

       - Use the darkest brown to make almost a triangle in the corner of your eye. [the side closer to your nose]

    -For the blush...

       -Just use a little bit, and start from your cheeks. Make sure you don't use a lot, or you have reaallyyy red cheeks.

    And the lip gloss is pretty simple, just don't glob it on.

    Hope I helped :]

  11. I started wearing makeup when I was 13.

    I started just wearing some lip gloss and eye shadow.

    Maybe you could just start her out with some lip gloss until she is a little older.

    They sell little lip gloss packs for girls that age in stores.

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