
Makeup (eyeliner) problems!

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okay, im almost 14, i'm tan right now because its summer, i have green eyes, and they aren't big, but not small either. I like to wear black eyeliner, but i'm having a few problems:

1. I like to put it on the outside of my bottom lid because my eyes are watery and it wipes off on the inside. but the thing is, it either looks to thick, too skinny, or just right, but then it smudges.

So my questions are: How do i get it not to smear. How do I get it not look super thick and not trashy. What brands are good. What kind of liner (pencil, twisty, liquid, waterproof etc.) should i use. But most of all how to get it not to smear!?

Please help, i need to have help SOON! ASAP!!




  1. My advice to you would be to only wear the liner on the top but if you really want to wear it on the bottom then make a thin line in the lashline! I would go for that thin line because then there isnt too much to be smudged. I also reccomend that you go to a makeup artist and get her/him to teach you a bit about makeup. I did it and it wasnt like a big huge thing either it was just this makeup store who have people that do your makeup for you and so i went there and she taught me a bit about how to wear my makeup and what products to use it was only for a day and it only took about half an hour.  

  2. well my cousin uses eyeshadow for eyeliner nd she says it doesnt smear at all

    or you could still use the eyeliner you use nd hav a bit of eyeshadow under so it keeps the eyeliner in place

  3. Keep in mind that eye liner was invented to make your top eye lashes look fuller and thicker. But on the bottom either put some eye shadow on then the liner, or use water proof, using almay or max factor are good choices. Pricey but good!

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