
Makeup help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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whats the difference between a pigment and a eyeshadow.....can someone please explain it




  1. pigment matches you or is very close

    Eyeshadow is something like blue green u know

  2. pigment describes the intensity of color. Usually when it is used as a noun, it is used to describe eye shadow that has a lot of color intensity. Eye shadow is make up.

  3. eye shadow is a kind of makeup where as the word pigment is just a different word for color.

  4. Pigment is a loose eyeshadow...Most eyeshoadows are pressed into a pan while a pigment is usually in a little container and is loose! Pigments usually are brighter also! Hope that helps!

    ex oh ex oh

  5. a pigment is a very light color - a very natural color That blends with your eyelid.

    An eyeshadow is Like An actual color that You can tell If somebodies got on.

    Like a color of the Rainbow

    but a pigment is like Tans and brownish colors

  6. i guess pignant matches your skin, and eyeshadow is a different color.    


  7. pigments are like loose eyeshadows I guess...

    she uses pigments with a mixing medium (1/4 glycerine and 3/4 water)

    People can press pigments to make eyeshadows:

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