
Makeup lighter than skin tone?

by  |  earlier

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is it weird that i prefer my foundation a tad lighter than my face

i'm naturaly a bit pale, but since it's summer, i tanned a little.. i still prefer to have the light makeup.

it it strange? (and, no, before you ask, i don't look sick)




  1. If it looks cute ( and not sick) than i'd say its fine.  

  2. I do the same thing...I don't have to worry about my face looking too dark and all I have to do to give it more color is add powder and blush....I always get compliments on my complexions now. =) It's easier to conceal any redness because you can apply a bit more without it looking too dark.

  3. I say its totally ok.

    I do the same thing, just because my face is splotchy. and it helps to tone it down!

    Rock on!

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