
~~~~~~Makeup problem~~~~~~?

by  |  earlier

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k, so im not allowed to wear maekup, but my sis is. so unfair rite??? shes going into 8th grade and shes turning 14 in october, so in other words shes 13. and im 12. and im going into 7th grade, i tihkn i whould be allowed to casue thats when my sister started wearing it. and i dont wanna be like goth or anyhitng with overloads of makeup. i just wanna wear mascara. my eyelashes look very very pretty when i do wear it. how do i ask my mom and or dad. pleaseeeee help!!!!




  1. Firstly, you're still too young to wear makeup, but whatever.

    Just ask your parents, put some on and show them how nice you look with mascara and ask them if they could just let you use it.

    Whatever your parents say is probably for the best.

  2. You are too young to wear makeup, but I guess I don't see too much problem with wearing a little mascara. Just sit down with your parents and explain to them the you think its unfair that your sis gets to wear stuff, only being a year older.

    Ask them about mascara, and then when they think is an appropriate age for you to start wearing some more if you would like. They will probably give you the mascara if you say you wont wear anything else until your end of the year 8th grade dance or something.

  3. just tell them i really would like to wear just a little bit of make-up so i can feel better about myself and if your parent says but your pretty the way you are just say but it will help me feel just a little bit more pretty and sence my sister wares it she can show me how and tips for me to look natural please mommy or daddy its not that big of a deal

  4. Mascara is all right for your age and lip gloss ask your mum nicely and am sure she will agree explain how confident you feel when you have it on.

    Personally i would like to advice you not to start using foundation, eyeliner, eyeshadow etc. I think your a bit to young for it hun it will ruin your skin and trust me you don't want to do that so don't get tempted. I started putting on make up at age of 18. I am 21 now and I look 17 cause I got good skin ;)  

  5. Ask you mom privately if you could wear maybe a little mascara.

    You could even ask her to show how to put it on without going overboard. If she says yes, take her with you to get some mascara. Ask her what kind you should use.

  6. Well, if you're going for a soft look, I recommendnd staying away from any volumizing mascara's. I would use Maybelline define-a-lash mascara in the GREEN tube. I use it and it gives a good length in your lashes, but is very easy with the volumizing. Oh, and how to ask your parents, just go online and look up some good mascara's for lengthining.Then, tell your mom or dad that you've found some good and light products that you think would be suitable for you. I hope this helps!

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