
Makeup question... im 13 and wondering about it.

by  |  earlier

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okay so first, how old should you be to wear makeup? and things do you put on, and in what order..? can someone just explain what they do when they put on make up, because i have no idea! please help! thanks.




  1. Lol don't worry. There's never a "right age", obviously it's not right for 7 year old girls to be walking round wiht their face full of make up. But 13 is a good age.

    Always start with eyes first so if you make a mistake you wont ruin everything else. First do eyeliner, (only if you want) then eyeshadow, then mascara.

    On your face only put foundation on if you have a lot of spots, otherwise just use concealer.

    Then lastly add some blusher on your cheeks, a good tip is to suck in your cheeks and then do it along the bone (if that makes sense)

    Good Luck! and do what you feel comfortable doing, don't go overboard! And practise makes perfect!  

  2. Some people start wearing makeup when they are 6 years old, some people start wearing it when they are thirty. There is no set time to start wearing it, but I think an appropriate time to start wearing it is about 11. There are a lot of different products you can use, eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, blush, foundation, concealer, lip gloss, lip stick, lip liner.... All you really need to do is a little lip gloss, some light blush, black mascara if you have dark hair, brown mascara if you are fare. You gently curl the mascara wand up on your eyelashes to make them look fuller and darker. Use a big blush brush and lightly brush blush onto your cheeks. And take a lip gloss stick and sweep it across your top and bottom lip just in the center, so it doesnt come off the corners. For eye shadow, you take either a brush or wand and sweep it across your lids gently from a little below your eyebrow down to the bottom of your lid. Use white to make your eyes look bigger and more awake. Use blue or green if you want it to be very noticeable. Concealer is good for covering up circles under your eyes or covering up acne. Take the brush and slide it across the undercircles below your eyes. Eye and lip liner arent that necessary, but if you need to, do it very carefully. I hope this helps! Good luck! :)

  3. it doesnt matter how old you are as long as ur parents dont care. you can put on eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, blush, lipgloss, etc in any order, but always put on mascara last. i put on eyeliner, then eyeshadow, then blush, then lipgloss, then mascara. when ur putting on eyeliner, u have 2 check 2 see if u look better with it on ur top lid and bottom, or just bottom lid. dont put on too much eyeshadow and dont make it 2 dark. dont make your blush too dark and u might not even need it. mascara is easy 2 put on, but u have to see if u need it on ur top and bottom lashes or if u dont need it at all. if u have long lashes, u wont need any. {im 13 too by the way}

  4. uhm. . .

    I usually put coverup/bronzer on first.

    then a little bit of blush.

    then eyeshadow, eyeliner, then mascara.

    But you can really do it however you want.

    Do you not know how to put it on??

    If not, just watch your mom put it on, or a girl in your family.]

    It's quite simple.

    Hope I helped(:

  5. Well, 13 isn't a bad age to start, but since you're young, you should do lighter makeup. It'll be better for your skin: heavy makeup can give you breakouts, and make your eyes look lined in the future.

    Start by cleaning your face well, then using your regular skin cream or whatever it is you use (toner, astringent or nothing at all is fine).

    Curl your eyelashes. This takes practice.

    Apply clear mascara.

    Apply lip gloss.

    Smile and apply eye glitter or blush. Smiling helps you notice where this stuff should be.

    Keep smile on. Always makes you look better!

    Translucent powder if your nose is shiny.

    Voila! Clean, easy makeup! Don't forget to wash your face before you go to sleep, again to avoid zits.

  6. it doesntt mattrr as longg as u cann wearr it..u couldd wearr mascara eyeliner.. lipgloss .. cheek  blushh.... kk to putt eyeliner on itss simplee closee ur eyess but look at ur othrr eye while ur doin ur othhrr... for xample:if ur puttin it on urr left eye close that eye && look thruu ur right eye... to put mascaraa on u have to open ur mouthh up a lil... lipglooss is simple && im suree u noe howw to weree that.. lols && blushh iss reel easyy justt brush on thee powderr .. butt dontt putt too muchh powder or itll look reallly bad on ur cheeksjust brush it evenly && nicelyy && u lokk cutee.. &&  i guess doo ur hairr cutee in difrnt styless =]] good luck.. hope i helpedd..

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