
Makeup questions for seventh graders?

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I'm going to the seventh gradeand i really wanna start wearing make up. any suggestions of what type of make up that i should use?




  1. really thin eyeliner and alittle eyeshadow and some mascara and lipgloss

  2. You're still very young!

    Go with a bit of lipgloss and mascara, but thats it!!

  3. if i where you keep it very simple just mascara & lipgloss.

    if you where eye shadows very young you skin will be very wrinklely at a young age. and eyeliner makes you look way older so it's best if you stick to those cause if you wear a lot people might get judgemental & stuff. im a sophtmore now & i just wear mascarra & sometimes eyliner


  4. i would just make it look natural.


    liquid foundation





    lip gloss

    i would go with more lighter colors and dont use blues, greens, or any other bright colors.

    good luck :)

  5. Okay, unless you have blond lashes (which I highly doubt from your avatar) do not use mascara because it's really not needed for dark eyelashes.  Just wear eyeliner (black or brown) to bring out your eyes, and some clear or peach-colored lipgloss.  If you have some acne, try concealer.  That's really all you need, because you are going into 7th grade, like me, and it should be fairly light.

  6. a little bit of eye liner, mascara and lipgloss is perfect :]

  7. First, start wearing eyeliner. I suggest getting the twistable eyeliners instead of the pencils. The twistable eyeliners work very nicely, smooth and stay on longer. Most seventh graders wear eyeliner and it looks stunning if you learn how to put it on right. If you don't know how to use eyeliner just go on you tube and search how to put on eyeliner lol :D Try to stay away from those silver glittery eye shadows. They look S****y and cacky. You can try some eye shadows that fit your skin and eye color, but make sure to put the right amount and not too much. Make sure to fade the color in so it won't look to dark. Dark eye shadows DO NOT match with young girls. You should also start wearing foundation to make your skin more bright and to make it stand out. But make sure to get the foundation that best fits your skin color. If you have some acne, use a facial cleanser every night to reduce it. Also, remember to have lipgloss in your purse or pocket! Do not use lipstick. I prefer lipgloss will fit you best! The best eyeliner to use is Revlon. Use Olay Foundation. And beauty rush lipgloss from Victoria's Secret is the best lipgloss out there! Hope this helps!

  8. Don't make it to over-the-top. I was just in seventh grade and good things dont happen to girls who wear to much make up! Wear a little eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. Light eyeshadow is okay too.  

  9. Keep it simple and natural looking. You have plenty of time to experiment with color when you are older. Try some eyeliner and/or mascara that matches your hair color (if you have light hair, use brown, and if you have dark hair, use dark brown, taupe, or  black). Brush on some lip gloss and that's all you really need.

  10. keep it simple :)

    where mascara, lipgloss, and possibley eyeliner.

    i would stay away from color eyeshadow.

    it jsut looks fake anyways.

    if you want to wear eyeshadow get a natura color.

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