
Making A Web Page for Internet Explorer?

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Does any1 know how to create a Web Page for Internet Explorer?

I want to make my own page so i could put videos, music, movies so dat people could be able to watch???




  1. Web pages can be viewed with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera - every web browser you can think of.  So if you make it for one, you are making it for all.

    If you want to put videos and movies up, have you thought of using YouTube?  The YouTube site allows you to create a user account and upload videos for people to watch.

    When it comes to video, movies and music, they can be quite big files.  This means you would need a lot of space if you want to store very much.  Most free hosting will have limits on the overall space they give you - anywhere from 40mb to one and a half gig, I've seen.

    It isn't practical to have a web page on your own computer with access to all of these files because you MUST have good security in place and if you are only starting out, you probably don't know how yet - your computer could easily be attacked or taken over and used to attack other computers and sites.  Also, not all ISPs let you use your connection through them to let people visit a website kept on your computer.

    So really, if you want the page accessible to the world in general, you are best getting some hosting or using existing sites such as YouTube.

    For actually creating the page, you have two options - use a program such as DreamWeaver or FrontPage or something similar which is no harder than using something like Word or Paint and most hosting sites offer some kind of program that you can use in an Internet Explorer window OR write the code "by hand."  If you are going to hand code, you need to learn coding.  Best place to go is to and to remember that if they say one thing and another site says something different, w3schools would be right - the site is run by the web standards organisation, W3C.

    Anyway, I think you have a bigger project in mind than you yet realise.  Been there, done that.  ;-)  So here's an overview of what I've been saying:

    You can write web pages using a program or by using NotePad and writing the code.

    You probably can't have the web page/site on your computer.

    There are places already organised for what you want such as MySpace, Windows Live and YouTube.

    You can learn to write web code at W3 Schools.

    All the best!!

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