
Making Green Tea Question?

by Guest67044  |  earlier

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Hello there!

Right, so, I am going to brew some Green Tea for the first time and I have the packets and such and I do not have a fancy tea kettle or anything, so, I was wondering, if I wanted just 1 cup of tea, could I take a cup and put it in the microwave to get nice and really hot like I do for hot cocoa, and then put the tea packet in it? Do not suggest any alternative methods unless it involves a cup or a glass, as I do not have kettles or pots and pans to use [I do have pots but I want ONE cup of tea not an entire refrigerator full of it]. Thank you!




  1. Make sure not to have the water boiling or it will "cook" the leafs and ruin the tea.

  2. It will work.  However, you must watch the water temperature.  Once heated, dip the corner of the tea bag in.  If the water roils then wait a minute as it is too hot.

  3. While its not my favorite way to steep tea, there is nothing wrong with using the microwave to heat your water. Just do not let the water come to a boil when making green tea, 160-180 degrees is recommended (just around when tiny bubbles will begin to gather on the sides of the cup, if you don't have a thermometer). And do not oversteep, 3 minutes is the rule of thumb.

    Another really nice gadget that I personally adore is the ingenuitea, you can microwave water in it and add loose leaf tea to steep. Then you just place the ingenuitea on top of your mug and the tea pours out of the bottom. The second link will let you take $5 off a first order with the company that produces the ingenuitea by inputting your email.

  4. That would work just fine darlin' I would say heat the water and then put the tea in the cup/glass after the water is heated. Then just drink it however you want to.. h**l, if your out here near North Carolina or anywhere thats hotter than it is here right now you could heat the water anyways your way should work just fine.. just heat water first..

    Hope this helps sweetie...

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