
Making Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi......well I really really really wanna make out with my boyfriend. problem is........ive never made out with anyone before. And im really nervous....but i really wanna do it. hahahahahahahahahahahaha. but idk what to do.

anyone know how they could help me overcome the nerves? hahaha

and does anyone know any tricks and being real good at it (besides lots of practice. lol)





  1. i have the same problem.....

  2. heres a really big turn off that most people do on their first kiss dont do it. when your makeing your move dont go back and fourth like michel jackson in thriller. 1. you will look like an idiot 2. its a turn off 3. if hes ever kissed a girl befour and hes confident he might bust out laughing. but be calm dont do the rooster kiss. lol

  3. just go w/ the flow the rest will come

  4. Once you start.. You kinda know what to do by instinct. Just don't use your teeth.. That kinda hurts the other.. Haha! I was nervous too so I tried it with my friends first Haha.


  5. Grow up first and then when you find a guy that you truly love then make out with him and only him!

  6. haha never ben there but seriously just kiss him and let it run.. lol

  7. i'm a guy so i would know, before intering the room, dont where a bra!

    rub ur finger down his chest whal ur siting on his lap, and then lean ur chest against his, and whisper in his ear: "close ur eyes..." in a sexual voice. and then just start making out with him, and after a few minutes, take ur shirt off. PERFECT  ^_^

  8. just put your tounge in his mouth and dont hold back! ;]

  9. People of all ages get nervous about kissing a person for the first time, whether they are experienced or not. I've compiled some sites for you to check out that will help you get used to the idea of kissing your bf. Good luck!

    My advice:

    Start off slow. Lean close to each other, hold each other in your arms. Rub noses, cuddle a bit, then lift your head up, tilt your head and give him a gentle peck on the lips.

    Don't just kiss, but use your hands to rub his arms slowly, or curl your fingers into the hair at the back of his neck, or even around his waist at the back. Then more senses then just your lips are involved.

    After a few kisses like that, let your mouth open a bit and touch your tongue to his lip. He'll open his mouth and then let your tongues play with each other. Do it slowly, not fast, because that will heighten the romance of it.

    For more info, read the links below.

    Good luck!

  10. lol, just go for it.. it will come to you lol

    hahah, i love the category this is in.. "hobbies and crafts" XD

  11. If you have to ask, you are too young! You don't even belong on the internet at this age!


  12. ha dont worry.....this happend to me to when i was 14 my boyfriend would always try to make out with me so i finally let him and it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be .

    it kind of comes natrual lol well now im 15 but he always

    says im the best kisser he has ever kissed....he has had alot of girl friends and even after we broke up he still tells me im the best kisser.

    so you may be a very good kisser to. lol idk

  13. well im a guy n i have da same problem ouch;...

  14. hahah i just think its funny this question is under "crafts and hobbies"

  15. just relax it will come naturally.  

  16. Make sure your eyes are closed, because you know what they say... it's not polite to stare! lol Just go with the flow, and it's okay if your first time's not good! Because practice makes perfect! =)

  17. Well me too i have never mad eout :p and well just wiggle your toung in a circle with his and if you calm down thing's will go smooth .lol

    wear chap stick

    good luck =)

  18. Just picture it in your mind and how happy you will be doing it! That should calm your nerves and get you excited. To be better... well theres really nothing everyone does it different, but just remember to give your tongue a lil but dont jam it down his throat!

    Drop me a message if you need some help! jk (kinda)

  19. aww. I used to be the same.  It sound hard, doesn't it?!   what do I do with my lips, where do i put my tongue!?  lol... don't worry, its a lot easier than it looks and sounds.

    So... it depends on how you wanna kiss. If you wanna go all lips: put one of his lips between yours. all you do is suck on it. lol feel free to l**k it, or nibble on it once in a while (just don't bite)

    if you want to add some tongue: just open you mouth to allow him to stick his tongue in ur mouth, and allowing you to put yours in his. The best way is to play with his tongue (with your tongue lol)  you can make little circles around his tongue, or rub it, suck his tongue, what ever you wanna do. Just make sure you are always moving ur tongue. Just don't bite! lol  

    Its really not all that hard. it will come naturally.

    Good luck! =)

    ps. Remember to breathe through ur nose    

  20. lol. this is in hobbies and crafts?

    just relax, girl. don't even think about it, or you'll get jittery. eaze ya mindd. breath slowly? uhh.. practice on your hand? hah. idk what calms you..

    make sure you have good breath and soft lips.. =]

    yea, it's cliche, but it will pretty much 'just come to you'

    just stare into his eyes, and then go for it. start my kissing him gently, and then he'll get the hint. ;]


    just sit on his lap on the couch facing him, and kiss him. go from there.

    dont have s*x or youll have a baby boy named joe.

  22. i know how you feel but i cant help because i have no idea..its funny how its in hobbies and

  23. My first time I didn't use tongue. My advice to you is go with the flow, and USE TONGUE!

  24. Moisten your lips. Dry lips do not move well together. Just a light brush of your tongue over your lips will be sufficient to moisten them. In general, use lip balm regularly- you never know when someone will go in for the smooch.

    Angle your head. If your mouths meet dead-on, your noses will get in the way, and you will not be able to kiss deeply or smoothly. To avoid this, tilt your head slightly to one side. Make sure you do not both tilt your heads to the same side.

    Close your eyes. As you approach for the kiss, look into your partner's eyes, but, once you are close to theirs, close your eyes. It can be a bit of a turnoff to be kissing and going cross-eyed. However, you don't need to always close your eyes; some people enjoy keeping their eyes open and seeing their partner when kissing.

    Start with a gentle and soft closed-mouth kiss. The French kiss is an open-mouth kiss, but do not lunge in with your lips agape like you're going to eat them; instead, open your lips very slowly. If you were learning to speak French, you would probably start with the basics, vocabulary and grammar, before trying to write poetry. Well, the French kiss is like the poetry of kissing, and before you can be good at it, you have to master the closed-mouth kiss. Even after you have added French kissing to your romantic repertoire, it is usually better to start a kiss with closed lips.

    Go Dutch on the decision to French. Kissing should be a shared decision. You need to have permission to French kiss someone, but when your lips are locked with theirs you may not want to stop and ask, "Hey, this is great, but can I put my tongue in your mouth?". Open your lips slowly and just a little during the kiss so that one of your lips is sandwiched between theirs and one of theirs is between yours. As you are locking and re-locking lips, brush your tongue against your partner's lips ever so slightly. This should make it clear that you want to French kiss. If your partner's tongue does not respond in like fashion or if they pull away, you will have to save the French kiss for another time when you are both ready.

    Explore with your tongue. If you and your partner seem to be enjoying the open-mouth kiss, slowly try to open your mouth a little bit more and gently push your tongue a little farther into their mouth. The tongue is very sensitive, and the mere act of touching your partner's tongue with your own will be very pleasant and stimulating for each of you. Do not stick your tongue too far into the mouth, as this can be a big turn-off. Instead, just gently and playfully touch tongues. As a guy, when you are starting to french kiss, touch your tongue to hers very lightly.If she wants more, she will come and get it.

    Go slow. Passionate kisses are good sometimes, but to really enjoy a French kiss, you must take it slow. Do not hurry and take time to explore each other's mouths.

    Breathe. If you’re kissing for an extended period, it’s easy to forget to breathe. Believe it or not, gasping and turning blue is not romantic. Take small breaths through your nose as you kiss. You do not forget how to breathe! As you and your partner grow comfortable with the kiss, you can try breathing through your mouth a little: sharing breaths as well can be romantic (but not everybody likes it).

    Mix it up. Kisses are like snowflakes: no two are exactly the same. Once you finally feel comfortable French kissing someone, it is tempting to try to do the same thing every time. Add variety. Sometimes kiss deeper, for example, and other times pay more attention to the lips than the tongue. Hold the kiss longer or shorter and explore the art of kissing. When something feels good for each of you, do not abandon it for the sake of variety.

    Use your hands. While you should keep your hands polite, especially on a first kiss, you don’t necessarily want them just dangling at your sides. Embrace your partner, cup his or her face very gently in your hands, or run your hands through his or her hair. Another turn on for the first kiss is to gently caress their shoulder while you kiss. It shows you are comfortable with him/her. Gently hold your partner's face with your hands on their cheeks and their neck, or wrap your arms around your partner in an embrace. The most important thing about using your hands is that you respect your partner's boundaries. Play with their ears or run your fingers through their hair, as this is very stimulating. The second most important thing (much less important than the first) is that your hands should do something. Don't just let them hang at your sides; it will seem like you're not into the kiss. Be a lady at all times, and you'll be more kissable.

    Read your partner's body language. Everybody kisses a little differently, and each person enjoys different things in a kiss - there is no "right" way to kiss. What separates good kissers from bad is an ability to read a partner's body language and be responsive to their partner. Of course if your partner pulls away or seems uncomfortable at any time, understand that you have to slow it down. Good kissing requires give-and-take, so read your partner’s body language and pay attention to clues (sighs or moans) that tell you you’re doing something he or she likes. Let your partner kiss you back, and move with him or her as long as you’re comfortable with what he or she is doing.Listen for cues that tell how much your partner is enjoying a particular kissing maneuver. If you hear a sigh or moan, or they begin kissing you back with increased intensity, realize that they are responding with fervor.

    Develop your style. Good French kissing, like good kissing of any kind, requires practice. You will get better as you do it more. In addition, the more practice you have with one person, the more comfortable you will feel kissing them and developing a style that suits both of you.

    Talk about it. A lot of people have difficulty talking about intimacy, but open communication is important to all parts of a relationship. If you really like the way your partner kisses you, let them know. If you don't like something, also let your partner know that, but approach it delicately and compliment them at the same time on something they did that you liked. Even if the kiss goes all wrong, it can still be an intimate affair if you can both laugh about it together!  

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