
Making Toys for Bunnies?

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i'm going to make some toys for my bunny. any suggestions for things to make? because i don't really know what i should make. also, will it be ok if my rabbit chews on some cardboard boxes? the kind with pain on them?




  1. All you do don't use anything made out of fur or bunny skin.... you'll horrify the poor thing!  

  2. I am guessing you meant to say the kind with paint on them not the kind with pain on them. I wouldnt suggest giving a bunny cardboard with paint on. Give it wood toys and some cardboard with no paint. Or go to this website, it has some cute ideas, and it is pretty cheap

  3. Actually bunnies love to chew on old phone books.  Toilet paper rolls are good too or a brown paper lunch sack - you can stuff some of their hay in those and they can toss them around.  If you have a friend or neighbor with no more need for hard plastic teething toys the bunny will like those too.

    Wicker baskets or tongue depressors - any wood that is not chemically treated (most of the baskets available have been treated).

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