
Making a church look better for ceremony?

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I have just changed my mind about my ceremony and decided it should be at my fiance's church because it would have meaning to him instead of just going somewhere else. Plus I asked him and he got so happy about it so thats where were doing it now. The reason I didnt want to before is because it is ugly in there. The carpets are old and blue color... the only thing I like is the high ceiling, where they have pretty lights hanging already. And there is a HUGE cross on the wall and since I am Mormon we dont really believe in having crosses around and it kind of makes me uncomfortable...

anyway, I just want some ideas of how to make the place beautiful....




  1. How shallow.  The material beauty of a church is not where its value lies.  You are going to insult your fiance and his church with this attitude.  If the cross offends you you have no business getting married in a church and maybe you should look  into getting married by a justice of the peace.

  2. Instead of making someone uncomfortable by asking to cover or take down the cross you can come up with many decorations and flowers to take some of the focus off of it. First, since you cant change the color of the carpet, try picking blue as one of your wedding colors to make it not stand out as much. If you dont like blue, find colors that go with blue instead of clash with it. Use lots of greenery and flowers and candles to make more visual interest and maybe that is what people will notice first instead of the things you dont like. Draw peoples focus to decorated columns or an archway. Also, any place that has wedding stuff will most likely have an aisle runner, so that will cover some of the carpet. Talk to the church to see what is allowed and go from there and remember that no matter what the place looks like, all eyes will be on you as you come down the aisle.

  3. Get it cleaned good, and the carpets as well. Then down the aisle, and at the altar get some kind of rolled rug to go down. It will cost, but make it a prettier wedding. Then, on the seats on the outside put little flowers all the way down the aisle. And, have candles around the altar. Then lower the lights if you can, if the cross bothers you. Good luck!

  4. I am curious about something.  If Mormon is so important to you, why are you marrying someone who doesn't believe the same way?  

    Anyway, no one is going to care or remember what the church looked like.  I would just live with it.  But you can get this thing that rolls out for everyone to walk down.

  5. Well you really can't do anything about the cross.  I'm positive the church will not let you cover it.  Pew bows will be a big help.  You can buy them in bulk at Hobby Lobby.  They also have tall pillar candles in different heights you can place around the altar that will make it feel very romantic.  With an aisle runner down I'm sure people probably won't pay much attention to the carpet.  I would ask and see if the lights are on a dimmer, if they could lower the light and you can have candles I think it would be very pretty and romantic.

  6. Choose a neutral church that you both can agree on.  Your fiance may view it as being disrespectful to cover a Cross in a Church.  Yes, it would mean a lot to him to marry in his church but this is a day of rejoicing for the both of you.

    If something in the place that you want to wed in makes u "uncomfortable", this should set off alarms that let you know a change needs to be made.

    On your wedding day, they'll be sooo many other things be nervous about instead.

    As for making the place beautiful, sit with the head of the church or your officiant and discuss the rules and regulations of the place of worship.

    You may be surprised to learn that some places will NOT allow you decorate the area in the way that you choose to.

    Ex. My church won't let us stick pins in the rows of seats of the aisle to display our flowers and ribbons ( :0( )

    Just a heads up.

  7. floral arrangements-make it like an outdoor theme-can u cover the cross w/out making it look tacky-explain 2 your fiance that this makes u uncomfortable-sure u could work it out-if u cant cover-could u use the outdoor thing to maybe just hide it-as in a tree type decoration in front of it?sounds like a challenge i would love :) good luck! if it makes u that uncomfortable-have it outside on the church grounds maybe-is it outdoorsy?

  8. You can normally take the cross down. Talk to the church

  9. pew decorations, aisle decorations, centerpiece decorations, and altar decorations church entry decorations, church door decorations, and church ceiling decorations. Potted plants, aisle runners, candles,

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