
Making a fiew bucks. IM NOT OLD ENOUGH FOR A JOB.?

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hi. i wanna make a fiew bucks cuz im saving up for something REALLY expensive. its not a problem of being strickt with myself and not using the money i earn . its the fact that i dont earn any money. i dont have an allowance and everyone has maids were i live so they dont need people to baby sit. do chores. or wash cars.

i make THE BEST cookies, and i was thinking of selling them at school for a lil cash, but my principle shot that business down on the first try.

garrage sales r not big here, everyone is rich and can afford their own things that r NICE and NEW.

i was thinking of being a tutuor or a piano teacher but everyone wants some1 professional for their kids.

so i really need some help...thanks alot!




  1. You could try hm tricky um you can probably sell stuff on ebay or sell the cookies to you neighbours  

  2. before i turned 14, i just mowed the lawn, pulled weeds, vacuumed the car, washed the car, babysat, and just did other stuff personally for my parents and neighbors. of course, that was when i was young and was saving $40 for a video game. nowadays, I'm trying to save $400 for a decent drum kit.

  3. do jobs for your parents

  4. If you are 13. then you can start online survey with 'treasuretrooper' & can earn some money from home. They are legit. they send payment via 'paypal account' or via 'check'. so you can try yourself.

  5. Babysit, pet sit, dog walk, mow lawns, weed gardens, or tutor young kids. Sounds like your neighborhood might be a good place to make some money if they have money to burn ;-)

  6. If you are a really good cookie maker you could ask at your local bakery or store if they will buy your cookies from you to sell on.

    If you are a good enough pianist to teach you may be able to make a few bucks playing st the local elderly peoples day centre or nursing home for a couple of hours. You should ask at the home.

    Do they not have paper boys and girls in your area delivering newspapers?

    As you are from a wealthy area you probably have second hand items that you could sell - ok you may not be able to sell them locally to your neighbours but have you tried ebay or advertising in the newspaper for a poorer area?

  7. ask your parents if your soo rich

  8. try getting a job. thats what normal people do. but if your family is as rich as u say then ask your parents. unless there too tight like 98% of other rich people.

  9. So, you're the kid of rich folk who are teaching you that you need to earn your money. Good for them. Good for you too. Its better to learn how to work for money sooner. If you are 15, you could try getting a job. But, there isn't really anything else. Maybe try selling some stuff on ebay might help. Also, I would reccommend not mentioning you are wealthy. People tend to focus more on their class envy than helping you when that happens. :)

  10. Hi Spice,  Do you like pets?  If so maybe you could have a pet walking service.  Or.....   What about running errands for the elderly and shut in's. There's painting fences, pulling weeds, or, selling your unwanted stuff on Crags list, it's free and easy. Learn to face paint and then you could attend fair's and festivals in your area and charge a small price. etc. etc.   Good Luck, there are lots of things you can do just keep trying but try to do something you love.  Best wishes!  

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