
Making a game for children, ages 6-9and need more questions?

by  |  earlier

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the game is about fish, and they have to draw a card, and move foreward or backwards based on if they get it right or wrong, or just do what the card says!

so far we have

how many fish can you count

what colored fish are on the card

current took you away move back

got fed, move foreward

how many blu fish can you count, and so on

we need some mre questions!!

any help would be great!!;)




  1. Here's some for you. Fat/skinny fish, large/small fish, long/short fish, big eyes/little eyes, small fins/large fins. Hope these help!

  2. Sharks nearby,

    fishing boat nearby, go back two

    Baited by  a hook,

    Mermaid wants to swim with you

    Murky water, hard to see

    Oil spill

    School of smaller fish--lunchtime!

    How many stripes does this fish have?

    Do these three fish belong in the same school?

    What is different about this fish from the others?

    What is that fish thinking?

    Take a flip and see how far ahead or back you land (roll dice)

    What shape is the fin of this fish

    What shape is the eye of this fish

    How many scales are colored purple?

    Which fish has the biggest gills?

    How many bubbles are in the water?

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