
Making a good impression in cheerleading?!!!!?

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My first day of practice in next week. I am the first freshman in the history of my school to make varsity. I am expected to be amazing, but im nervous. I am going to be a flyer but have only been a base backspot and frontspot. I am 5ft and 100lbs. I have a very low body fat content, but i am nervous about flying. I assume i should wear my schools colors and wear a ribon!! I only have a right split. I cant do a scorpian and my heel stretch is weak. The other girls are going to be mad that my skills aren't up to par. I am a dancer and cheering actual cheers are my strengths. I am a decent tumbler but i cannot fly. HELP ME!!!!!




  1. First off, the coaches know what they're doing! They wouldn't have picked you if they don't think you're good enough!

    You need to remember this and keep your confidence up.  If you are nervous you are not going to be able to stunt well, period.

    Don't try to do things out of your reach to impress the other girls.  You have never flown before!!!!!!!! Why are you even thinking about your scorpion????

    You need to take a few steps back, Realize that you deserve to be on the team as much as anyone else, and take things one step at a time.

    Try to work with one stunt group at first instead of switching around a lot.  This will help you get the timing down and when exactly you're supposed to push, stand up, etc.

    It takes practice, so don't be let down if you fall the first few times, and don't keep apologizing if the stunt isn't going up.  That will just start annoying people at make it look like you don't know what you're doing at all (even if you don't, you shouldn't advertise it).

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!!

  2. Its okay to be nervous!

    Just remember to keep tight and try not to wiggle around in the air.....keep stretching to get more flexible then you can get your stunts better ..

    Keep stretching and working on splits and stunts til your first practice and youll keep improving during your practice!

  3. It's ok to be nervous! Don't worry too much...

    You wouldn't have made Varsity if you weren't good. Just keep stretching and practicing at home to get your splits, scorpion and heelstretch right. And ask any friends you have that are flyers for more advice. If you don't have any there are tons of wesites that can help. I'll put a couple in the "sources" box just incase. But just don't worry about it! Go into the room with confidence and a smile! I hope I could help at all and Good Luck on your first day :)

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