
Making a husband more responsible?

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Do you think that becoming a stay at home mom would make a husband/dad become more responsible? Because he will be the primary breadwinner?




  1. If he is a younger man he will come into the role of responsible bill paying hubby with time, men mature slower than women.But in this day and age if you are working why do you feel the need to cut your income by half  i have two kids and work 40 hrs a week my hubby works about 65 hrs a week.seems to me it would be better for your kids and the overall economic well being of the family if you continued to work.But if you are using this as an excuse because you want to stay at home with the little ones don't.Just say it as it is, that i would like to be home for my kids when they are little there is no shame in this, but be prepared to be more budget minded because it is your responsibility as well to help budget your family's money.

  2. No.  If he doesn't have the incentive on his own your behavior won't change him.  You can't change him; he needs to want to change himself.

  3. No this will not happen, all you will be doing is cutting of you nose to spite your face. You need to look after children, but put a stop to cooking and cleaning, and waiting on him as showing responsibility lies between both of you, if you are working as well. Best of luck, sometimes men take longer to grow up

  4. Not necessarily, because he may feel a lot of resentment being the only one working. With how things are today in the world, it's more than okay for wife and husband to be working. I know because i'm a 'full time student' right now whenever me and my husband get into fights, he always brings up how he's the one working and i'm just doing nothing. I'm saying he MAY feel bitter, but making him more responsible...probably not...

  5. No it will not. The only way to make him responsible is you have to stop doing everything let it sit there and see how long it will take for him to pitch in. Him staying home is a way of showing him that you need him, In a way show him that you don't need him

  6. Nope, you will only punish yourself. You will become dependent on him and he will eventually resent you for it. You will also get tired of having to ask him for money.

  7. Wow. You are not sure that he is responsible are you? If he is asking you to stay at home, then he will be assuming this (in his head) except of course if he's a complete idiot. If you are the one toying with the idea...he might give you the surprise that you are scared about. Let him be the one preferring you stay at home and if you do...make sure you stashed some cash away in case he slips. Take Care

  8. If he isn't already a responsible husband, staying at home may put so much pressure on him that he may get even worse.  Unless you're financially able to stay at home, keep working.  You haven't given much information as to his irresponsibility, but I wouldn't risk a job to find out as hard as good jobs are to find these days.  Maybe you need to sit down with him and discuss what the problems are.  Have you tried that yet?

  9. No. If he's not responsible now, then you staying home and giving him more bills, will not help the situation. It will only stress him out more and may make him withdraw more.

  10. No, you can't make someone become more responsible. They have to do it on their own.  

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