
Making a recycle pie chart...?

by  |  earlier

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I just want to know how many of Americans (percent) recycle and how many do not.




  1. I recycle every thing that can be recycled,we want

    to keep the land fill down to hardly nothing.If every

    one would recycle just think how that would help

    our environment and save our land from trash.

    We need to have a law that it is mandatory to recycle.I want to save this planet for the next

    generation and other generation's to come it is

    my duty as a citizian to help keep it clean.

  2. I think your answers will depend greatly on how you are defining "recycle".

    At home I very rarely set out a bin for the recycle pickup people to collect.

    However, I shred my paper goods and donate the bags of paper to the local humane society for them to use in their puppy cages. What can't be shredded/donated goes into one of my compost piles as filler.

    I rarely have glass containers to throw away because they usually make great rooting containers for home grown plants or storage containers for other items.

    I dont buy canned drinks so I very, very rarely have aluminum to throw away.

    My plastics do tend to get thrown away. Most of the plastic is limited to wrapping around purchased items and I can't reuse that and have no idea if rececle collectors would accept that kind of refuse. Containers are things I can almost always find use for, though.

    So in a sense, no - I don't recycle. The  "biggies" (paper, glass, aluminum, plastic) have all been mentioned above with short descriptions - but they never hit actual recycle facilities.

    How would I fit into a chart? As one who recycles, or not?

    In the end answers are all based on the definition the person asking provides.

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