
Making a story. Help me with Anime names...?

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I'm making a story and need anime names for:

A boy -- His character is the love interest of the girl. He is a Tenshi (an angel) but he has never told her yet. He has black hair and when he transforms he has white hair. Any names . . .?

A girl-- This girl will be the boy's sister (^ Up there) and she is also a Tenniyo (Girl from the heavens) She has black hair and Yellow eyes. Any names...?

...What do you think of the name -Youki-? What does it mean in Kanji (Japanese Calligraphy)?

Also, if you could send me pictures of anime characters that would be fine too!

-black haired girl (long hair)

-brown haired girl (long hair)

-girl with yellow eyes (black-ish hair)

-boy with wings (white hair)

-boy (black hair)




  1. Yoshi


    Youki sounds good.

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