
Making air trafic control calls at GA non-towered aerodrome?

by Guest56130  |  earlier

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I only recently started flying lessons but the ATC is a bit hard to remember. What I wan't to be able to do is make a takeoff call.

For example im just gotten off the apron and taxiiing to the runway. I think it would be something like this:

"aerodromw" traffic, C150, "registration" to take off runway 20, "location" trafic

am i right or wrong. This is also for Australia by the way.

And how do i make the one for annoucing position e.g.

im 5 miles out from the aerodrome


to get into the landing circuit.




  1. You're takeoff announcement doesn't sound too bad by any means. It's vital to declare where you are, and what you want to do - and you have an excellent handle already.

    I would recommend adding the intended direction of departure, including the direction of turn you'll be making to depart the pattern as well as stating the flight rules you're going to be following (VFR or IFR).

    For example, I'll call:

    "St. Simons Traffic. Vapor 26 is a Twin Otter, taking runway 26 for immediate VFR departure to the east with a right turnout. St Simons Traffic."

    With regard to your initial call approaching the uncontrolled field, I'll call about 15 miles out and state my intentions. Remember to tell them who you are, what kind of plane you are (so they can gauge your airspeed), your direction and distance from the field as well as your current altitude and intentions.

    "St. Simons Traffic, Vapor 26, a Twin Otter, currently 15 miles to the northwest of the field at 2,000 ft. We'll be entering a left downwind for runway 16, full stop."

    You can state whatever your thinking about with regard to pattern entry. On a 45 to enter a downwind, already established on a base leg, or straight in. Make sure you let them know what you will be doing after you turn final (i.e. full stop, touch and go, low approach, etc).

    Good luck!

  2. IT PAID

    Identification (C-GXXX or in your case VH-x*x).

    Type (Cessna 150)

    Position (geographic reference, downwind, final, etc)

    Altitude (to the nearest 500 feet ASL)

    Intentions (departing the circuit, landing, transiting the area, etc).

    Destination (aerodrome or other to give traffic an idea of where you are headed).

    The only thing to add to this in an uncontrolled environment is, like you said, saying the aerodrome traffic location.  In my valley there are three airports with 15/33 runways on ATF 123.2.  Sure does give me a scare sometimes when someone is reporting final on an opposing runway while I'm final.

    I call entering the area (typically about 10 miles back), crossing midfield, joining downwind, base, final, backtracking (if applicable) and exiting the runway.  I omit type after the first call and altitude in the circuit (unless crossing midfield at higher than circuit altitude).

    Departing the aerodrome I call before entering the runway, rolling, departing the circuit, and departing the area.  Make sure you include what you are doing as you depart (circuits, local south 4000, cross country flight to Sumspot, etc)

    I was taught to say "..any conflicting in the area please advise." but it is kind of redundant and wastes airtime.

    Your Aeronautical Information Manual (or equivalent document required by ICAO nations) will give you proper details.

  3. Does Australia have an aeronautical information manual?  

    In the US you'd tell traffic your location and intentions before taxiing, and before taxiing onto the takeoff runway.

    Alice traffic:  Cesna 2222 at the tower ramp, taxiing to runway 12, Alice.

    Alice traffic:  Cessna 2222 taking off Runway 12, departing the pattern to the north, Alice.

    Alice traffic:  Cessna 2222 5 miles north, descending through 4 thousand, landing Alice.

    Alice traffic: Cessna 2222 entering Downwind for Runway 12, full stop  Alice.

  4. In the United States at uncontrolled fields:

    -Who ( Aerodrome Traffic)

    -Who ( Cessna 34N)

    -Where ( parked at the apron ) or ( 5 miles north of the airfield)

    -What (taxiing to runway 20 ) or ( will be entering the downwind for runway 20 on a left 45 entry)

    -Who ( Aerodrome traffic)

    Controlled fields is:





    You'll want to make your taxi call before you actually start taxiing.

    Hope this helps for you

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