
Making cambells tomato soup HELP?

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like....i put it in the microwave....n i put milk in it....n its all speckly.....should i put it on the stove to taste better?




  1. Whisk it and it will be okay.

  2. It is better on the stove, but if you warm the milk slightly first then stir with a wisk it will be better too.

  3. Did you follow directions? I don't think you're supposed to microwave condensed soup... put it on the stove on a low heat and stir occasionally.... mmmmmm you should make a grilled cheese to go with it!!

  4. You can micrwave the soup, you just need to stir it more. If you have a whisk use a whisk, or just keep stirring it with a fork.

  5. Give it a good whisk just before serving, it will be fine, just make sure the jug is large enough or it will boil over.

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