
Making caramel and it doesn't want to set up, what did I do wrong?

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I am trying to make caramel, that I can cut into small pieces and then coat in chocolate. Well the caramel won't set to a "solid" state so that it can be cut. It's too gooey. What did I do wrong so that I can correct it in future batches?




  1. You need to make sure you cooked it to the proper temperature which would be the firm ball stage. If not, they won't set up.

    I've used this one. Be careful it gets hot & you can get burned when making...I know!

    Vanilla Caramels

    2 cups sugar

    1 cup brown sugar

    1 cup light corn syrup

    1 cup condensed milk

    1 1/2 cups milk

    1/3 cup butter or fat

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

    Cook sugar, corn syrup, condensed milk, and milk together in a saucepan, stirring constantly until sugar is dissolved. Cook slowly, stirring occasionally to prevent burning, until temperature is 248 F., or until mixture forms a firm ball when tested in cold water. Remove from heat, add butter, salt, and vanilla and mix well. Pour into a greased pan. When cold remove from pan, cut in cubes and wrap each caramel in wax paper.

    This website also has good information on temperatures and stages of candy making.

  2. It depends on how you made your product. If you used a mixture of water and sugar and simmered it until it became thick, you may not have cooked it for long enough. If you added fat in the form of cream or butter,    you may have added too much.

  3. Probably didn't let the sugar get hot enough to reach a firm-ball stage... or the recipe is whack.  The recipe I use w/ good results is below:

    Caramel Candy

    1 cup butter

    2 1/2 cups brown sugar

    dash of salt

    1 cup light corn syrup

    1 can sweetened condensed milk

    1 tsp vanilla

    Melt butter in pan. Add sugar and salt; stir thoroughly. Stir in corn syrup and mix well. Gradually add milk stirring constantly over medium heat till candy thermometer reaches 245ºF.

    Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Put into a buttered 8X8 pan. Cool and cut.

  4. If it's hot & humid outside and you have the windows open, the caramel may not ever set up. Humidity and moisture are the main reasons that caramels, fudges and hard candies can fail.

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