
Making diaper and towel cakes?

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i am a stay at home mom and i am always bored so i figured i would start making diaper cakes for the certerpiece of a babyshower or a gift to someone and towel cakes for a bridal shower or what ever he case may be just for a little extra money do you think that is a good idea i am by the Chicago area




  1. my older sister made a diaper cake for her friend's babyshower :]

    &i think its a wonderful idea! no one would probably know how too :)


  2. I had never heard of them until I saw the "Nappy Cake" in the Annie's Attic catalog. (Brits call diapers "nappies", of course).  They have both a knitted & crocheted version.  Very adorable.  I don't know if your version has knit or crochet in it, but I thought I'd mention it.

  3. I think its an amazing idea! I would post your ads on craigslist I am sure you will get a lot of business. Just make sure it doesn't take up too much mommy time and or wifey time!!! Also watch the books you stack on yourself--you dont want the load to get too heavy! Good luck

  4. I think it sounds good.  You could make some up and take pictures of them and print up flyers with the actual pictures of the cakes and put them up at your local grocers and different places.  You could even advertise online.

  5. Diaper cakes with strategically placed unwrapped milky way bars inside.

    That's a winner

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