
Making freinds!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

by Guest57785  |  earlier

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Well, we just moved and im now going to a school where I dont know anyone, and ive had most of the same freinds for like 4 years, plus im really shy at first, how do i make more freinds/?

Kind of a lame question but when someone is shy..and someone is lost at the same time....i need some help!




  1. well the only way to make friends is to actually talk to someone. find someone that u think u might have a lot in common with and then talk to them. that is the only way ur going to make friends is put yourself out there and hope they want to talk to u. i know what u mean whenver you talk about being shy. i was exactly the same way and i was at a new school to and just wanted to make friends. and then i got up the courage to talk to someone and now i have been best friends with her for almost 6 years. she is the best friend i have ever had and i don't know why i didn't start talking to her sooner lol. jsut put yourself out there and hope they like you.

    good luck

  2. umm just be really nice, just be yourself, smile  and like i said be nice you will be fine!

  3. just be your self!!

    don't try to be anyone else.[don't try to be popular]

    try not to care about what people think of you

    be outgoing, funny, smile, be friendly, and be confident!

    you'll do fine!

    going to a new school is scary for everyone, so its normal to be nervous. my friend leah has gone to 7 schools.

    and you'll make friends don't worry!

    best of luck:]

  4. just talk to everybody and be nice.

    getting involved in sport teams and stuff is a good idea too as long as you dont join the lame clubs.

    and its not a lame question!;...

  5. No its not lame lol alot of people ask this question..well talk with people in your classes regularly...that is the best way to start and keep up friendships, then at lunch ask if you can sit with them.

    u can also join a sport theres alot of people in sports and tons of people to meet ther good luck (:

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