
Making love at first sight

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making love at first site

Have you have ever met someone and you knew you wanted to be with that person for the rest of your life? If so, How did you make that happen for you?How and when did you tell that person you had feelings for them? How many days,months, or years went by before you became intimate with that person?

How long should you wait before you have s*x with a person after you meet him? and if you have s*x with them after meeting that person do you think it will alter you chances for a life long relatioonship with the person?




  1. whenu meet then wait a day then have s*x

  2. I've found out it's always good to wait as long as possible before becoming intimate... at the same time if you are both crazy for each other then you will know when the time feels right (for both of you).

    I actually just met this girl, had s*x with her the same day because I was already crazy about her and realized she just wanted s*x.  It sucked so that's something to think about.

  3. you know everyone tells me that there is no such thing as love at first sight, but i believe in it. my parents are living proof. my mom saw my dad in the car next to her and automatically knew she had to be with him. they then ran into eachother at a coffee shop a few weeks later and even though he was only 20 and she was 19 they knew they had found the one, and what do you know... one year later they got married. 18 years later and they are in just as much love as they were then.

    the other thing i believe is that you can fall in love in the blink of an eye, and the proof i have of that is my current relationship. ive only been with my boyfriend for one month and i can honestly say i love him more than anything. it took only weeks for him to feel this way and it took me a little longer but for us it all started because of some natural chemistry. we automatically felt a connection and only after two weeks did we meet did we have intercourse. it was perfect, it was the first time i never had and he claimed it to be the most passionate connection he has ever felt. hes my first boyfriend and we plan on staying together for quite a while. currently he is deployed so we havent said i love you even though we both love eachother, mostly because we want it to mean something and saying over the phone or web doesnt quite feel right. i believe it all depends on the person you are with. for some couples its all comes naturally. i dont think its the same for everyone because there are so many different types of people, but i do know that it is possible.

    i hope my expiriences gave you a little deeper insight.


  4. I think the respect should be established before the s*x comes into play. Only because if there is no respect, there will be no love, and ther goes your long term relationship.

  5. Me and my boyfriend met at work.  It was our first day working together so I never met him before.  As soon as he walked back to the room I was in, I instantly knew he was the one.  I no lie fell right in love.  5 minutes after we first looked at each other, he came back and said I just had to come back and talk to you.  Then he invited me over his house.  We acted like we knew each other forever.  The next night we had s*x.  We are still together and I LOVE him and plan on spending my life with him.

  6. Making love at first sight is usually non-existent.  If you see someone and think you love them and have s*x this is called having s*x at first sight, i.e., lust.  Love at first sight is existent, and happens more than you know.   Some people will see each and right away know in their heart and soul this their match for life.  You should wait to have s*x with someone that you want a long term commitment to.  You both will know when the time is right.  It would just be right and feel right.

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