Alright, this is for any nerds out there like me who know anything about Yu-Gi-Oh. Alright, so I wanted a little way to make money, and being a fellow nerd I thought about yugioh cards. Heres how it works, some people would pay top dollar for a single card. Depending on how rare and how new and useful it is. So I thought, buy a booster box, sell all the rare cards and maybe a group of commons and pray you get something decent to at least get your money back. To put it in recent terms to anyone who understands. The newest set booster box sells for maybe 75 dollars. Thats 24 packs of 1st edition. Now if you average out that each packs value will at least be $3.50 worth of cards, and hopefully the rare is worth 10 or more, and you get maybe 2-3 decent rares in a box, maybe more if lucky. You sell those cards back on ebay or a good site where you can make money. If all thought out well, you can money off of it. Any fellow collectors and business people's comments would be appreciated.