
Making money from home (childminding)?

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Me & my partner are trying to concieve...

i currently dont have the job and it seems silly getting a full time job when we are trying to have a baby and when i am pregnant i would prefer to work from home... childminding! (get some practice in like lol)

soo roughly how much do u charge for childminding is my question? in uk english pounds?




  1. I'm in the USA, and a military our prices are a bit different on post.  When I looked into the post childcare, they charge 400$ a month.

    Off post I've seen them charge anywhere from 250-450$ a week.

    I would say, charge a fair price based off of what the income of the surrounding area is.  I usually pay my babysitters about $7.00 an hour (for one child), and tip them when they did a really good job.  Our state's minimium wage is about $4.75.  So this was a good rate.

  2. it depends on age of the children, needs if any specific, and how experienced you are...for instance, if your trained in child cpr, childcare certified and also keep in mind how often you are watching the child. if alot, then you can charge monthly, or weekly otherwise hourly. Some of the daycare centers i looked into for my son were charging 300 dollars a week!!! thats more than my rent! so all you have to do is charge lower than that and i thing you will be in the money!

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