
Making my hair thinner...?

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my hair is kinda think, like not really think but i was wondering if there is any way to get it thinner like a shampoo i could use or a treatment. please help!




  1. DON'T DO ANYTHING! I had thick beautiful hair and I always complained about how hot it got because I live in a Desert. Then last year I started to pick out my hair because of a condition called tricotelomania and now I look like a cancer patient. I am trying so hard to stop but it is very difficult. You should be happy that you look the way that you do and I am sure that you have beautiful hair  

  2. Go to a pro or learn how to use a razor comb.  Razor combs helped my hair out a lot.

  3. I feel your pain. All the kids in the school yard making a circle around you pointing and singing "fat hair fat hair you have fat hair".

    It never happened to me but it could have.  Be brave little toaster.

  4. you hair thinks?

  5. I just thin it with thining shears. But it's best

    to go to the hairdresser and asked for it thinned

    or textured (they both mean the same thing).

  6. Don't do that, youdon'tt have control over that, you could end up balding by ten years or so, and that's gross, I have thick hair, just find different styles to wear it in.

  7. I am a hair dresser and I use thinning sheers, U need to go to a salon and have some one who KNOWS HOW!!  to thin your hair a little, too much will look just terrible and u can not manage orstylee it well thin just a bit on the crown little on top and check it your self with your hands and mirror, before having any morethinnedd.  good luck.

  8. cut your hair more often. or try layers... . but DO NOT let the hair dresser shave the back of your head.. its not noticeable because the other hair covers it but its mad uncomfortable... believe me my mom made them try that on me and it is sooo annoying...  

  9. Shampoos and stuff don't work, have them thin it the next time you get it cut, or straighten it.  

  10. Get it thinned.

    They do it at hair salons. But it's not permanent.

  11. if u use a strainer orin then is going to make it thinner

  12. haha you said think. go to your hair dresser and ask them to razor it. that helps. or just tell her/him to thin it out.

    there are not shampoos or treatments accept maybe shaving some hair off. but i dont encourage doing that.

  13. perm

  14. I have the same problem. There is no special product or shampoo that you can use. But, when you go to the salon, you can have it thinned out. They will use a special tool made especially for it. It helps when styling and blowdrying your hair. Just have it done each time you visit the salon and you'll be good.

    I have it done each time and it makes my hair easier to manage and blow dry. I don't know what I would do without it. Yes I do, I would spend an hour blow drying my hair:)

  15. actually

    losing your hair is a bad thing

    maybe u shud get a hair thinning haircut

  16. go and ask ur hairdresser to thin it out

  17. You can't really take out thickness by +dding in treatments. Its illogical and can't be done effectively.

    However, you cant get your hair 'thinned' at the hairdressers. They have a special pair of scissors that cuts out extra thickness, and gives the hair a light and balanced look and feel. All you have to do is to ask to get your hair thinned to balance out the thickness.

    If you don't want to do that, you can simply work with what you have. Take Selena Gomez for example. She has very thick hair, and if you look closely, each hair is very thick itself. All you need is the proper cut. Definitely don't get a straight-across cut at the bottom. That will actually make the hair appear tons heavier - a lot of people with thin hair actually get their hair cut like that to make theirs appear fuller and thicker.

    Good luck!


  18. there is a special scissor made for thinning hair but i forgot what theyre called argh :<

  19. like no offense but i dont think there suck thing as a treatment to get ur hair thinner actually thick hair is better since its stronger ull have less chances of loosing ur hair and u have more volume in ur hair.

  20. Shampoo with paraffin. Stand near an open flame.

    Your hair will become thinner very quickly.

  21. Get it layered. alot.

  22. Shave the back of your head. Underneath all you hair that is. It worked for me. You can't see where you shaved, and your hair is thinner

  23. You can't make your hair thinner or thicker.  It comes in your genes so you are born with thick hair or thin hair and there is no way you can change it.  


  24. you can either g o to salon and have them "thin it out" this is where they use scissors side ways kinda to tease it out but its really cutting your hair...or you could get a relaxer treatment and it could make it straighter which makes it look thinner

  25. next time you get a haircut just ask the hairdresser if she could thin it out for you... it doesn't cost extra or anything.

  26. straighten it

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