
Making out W/ a guy you dont even know..?? hm..

by  |  earlier

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Okay so theres this really hottt guy and i want to make out with him. he's like 2 years older then me and we go to the same school. He smokes week occasionally but like im pretty shure he doesnt have mono. idk. he's so hot !! b*****s will probably talk but idc im strong and i can face them. im 14 and he's 16. Do you think i should have fun since im young or is this S****y?? HOW SHOULD I APPROCH HIM?? HELP!!!




  1. do watchya like!!!

  2. People are going to talk because you're going to come off as total trash. Do you even know this guy? I mean, aside from the fact that he goes to your school, he smokes weed, and you think he's "hott" - do you know anything?

    Obviously, this is S****y. Just because you find someone attractive doesn't mean you should throw yourself at them. The sad part is - you're being ridiculously shallow, and you don't even realize it, it seems.

    You're fourteen. Don't ruin your reputation so soon.

  3. S****y.  Sorry

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