
Making question more clear. The ideal dog for this situation would be...?

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Okay I asked this before but all the answers i got revolved around the husky. I mention I am interested in a husky but I want to hear about all possible breeds you can think of that would be compatible Thanks.

Also we are pretty sure we are going to get a purebred from a breeder, we have a rescue mutt and she is great but there are a lot of risks involved with a shelter dog. (She has been perfect though)

Okay we are looking at our options for a future dog which will change many times from now I'm sure. (though I've have wanted a Siberian Husky since I was 12)

We are hoping for a 3rd dog somewhere in the next 5 years (may change). Once we have a house with a yard. And hopefully we will have our first child by then (ofcourse we plan to wait for the child to atleast 4 or 5)

Okay so we have a toy poodle and a jack russell terrier/chihuahua/lab mix. right now the poodle is 1 years old and the mix is 8 months old so they will be around 5 years old at the time. The poodle full grown is around 7 pounds and the mix will be around 25-30 pounds

The poodle is a pretty active (some would say hyper) male and the mix is a very laid back (some would say lazy ) female

We are homebodies but we like to go away for trips and we like to atleast be out a few hours a week other than work. For movies and other errands.

Its hard to say what the situation will be like then. I like to thing we will still prefer to spend time at home with each other and the dogs

We like to go on walks and go to the park.

Here are some things we are looking at:

This new dog we would like to be medium to large

this new dog would be an indoor/outdoor dog (could come and go as she pleases)

We would have a fenced in yard. That is the plan

Good with kids, good with other smaller dogs

Overall friendly temperment but can be protective if need be

I like the husky look you know the wolf look.

This dog doesn't necisarrily need to be easy to train but not hard to train.

No bully breeds (we don't want a pit bull or amstaff, doberman or rottie etc)

What do you think from your experience (the snario might change but from this senario) Nothing turns out the way we plan but if this were the case what do you think.

We might consider another mutt but we are seriously thinking purebred again.

We want a female (if that makes a difference)

Thanks, I've tried some of those breed match questionaires but they don't take into consideration some of the things we need to consider.

What breeds do you think. Just to give us an idea of what's out there




  1. Personally your life is so iffy right now that I would not recommend another dog.  It is hard to give enough attention to three dogs and you have the whole thing increasing.   food, attention, planning etc.

    Right now it is easier for your to get dog sitter, when you have baby two dogs will be adjusting and three might be one to many.   I would wait until AFTER you actually have child and have it reach the age of three.

  2. If you like Huskies, try looking into Malamutes.  They have the same look.  Huskies are smaller and more energetic, while malamutes are larger built and usually more relaxed.

    I'd also look into Akitas, Shiba Inu, and The Finnish Spitz.

  3. you said you like the wolf look, but a golden retriever sound good for you. they are extremley nice, dont bark too much, and are really pretty.

    my friend has one, and she is friendly to other dogs, children, and adults. she is also protective. if someone comes running at my friend, she will not attack, but she will "get ready". like standing up and being alert. no one has ever run at my friend to attack him or anything. lol just a friendly run. but im sure that she would protect him if the time came. she also protects the families cats from the racoons that are in the neighborhood. since you have little dogs, it would be nice to have a bigger one to stand up for them sometimes.

    and she is soooo soft! its crazy.

  4. Get a samoyed

  5. I think a shiba inu would be a good choice for you.  They aren't a big-medium sized dog but they fit most everything else you are looking for. They are very adaptable and can fit into almost any lifestyle. They could stay indoors for hours at a time or when you want to play with them or take them on a walk they are very willing to do that.  They are for whatever is best for you.  They are fairly easy to train and get along great with kids and other people. When brought up with other dogs and socialized right they are also fine with other dogs. They do need a fenced in yard though (or at least a runner) becuase they were once used for hunting and will run and chase after any scent they might encounter and when this happens they will not listen to your commands.  The shiba has a very fox-like appearence and many people actually mistake it for a miniture husky or husky shepherd cross. Overall the shiba makes a perfect family pet.

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