
Making the baby look like both moms??

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Ok you know how a mom goes to the doctor to be artificially insemenated, well is it possible to make the baby look like both moms? Can the baby have features from both moms? Like can they put DNA from the one mom who isnt having the baby into the egg?? Are they working on anything like that?




  1. i don't think they can do the DNA thing with both moms just yet

  2. They are kinda working on that. It might not happen for a while. But im almost positive it will happen one of these days.

  3. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is probably a pretty low priority on the scientific "to do" list

  4. It can't be done now, but I am sure with some of the other strange things that science receive grants to work on this would more than likely be one of them.

  5. You could use the sperm of a male family member of the other women, which may be a little strange.  

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