
Making toys 4 ur hamster!?

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what r some ways 2 make toys 4 ur hammie? please be creative!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I take small jewelry boxes and put treats in them, then I tie them up with string or tape them with masking tape.  Just throw them in there and they will work and work to get into that box.  I also take a toilet paper roll (empty) and stuff food inside, then I put toilet paper on both sides they roll it around trying to get to it.  Good luck.

  2. Wood structures

    Hay or dried grass

    old stuffed animal no eyeball or beads

    on egg carton not foam kind!

    make anything out of cardboard

    toliet paper tubes


    mini ladder

    url shows an oats container use anything like it put levels inside or a hole in the bottom just have fun

    undergroud house use a box cut holes in it stick toliet paper tubes in it  vertically or horizontally bury it under the bedding with thi tubes sticking out she or he can climb into the tube and into the box!

    Hope I helped

  3. make a smooth maze i did that with my hamster she went crazy trying to figure it out

    have fun with your hammie

    ps. my hamsters name is hammy!! lol

    get empty paper towel rolls!!

  4. toliet paper tubes? XD

    cheapest, and the best toy

    also, you can make a lego building for the hamster for him to climb in, or a maze for him to solve

  5. My hamster had,

    Toilet Roll Tubes

    Egg boxes

    and you can give them stuff like ping pong balls.

  6. just hollow out a log and cut some holes in it they love it

  7. I once made a space vehicle out of a Styrofoam cup that fit perfectly into my potato gun. I loaded hammie into it and gave him the best ride of his life. Unfortunately I forgot about the parachute system and he ended up hitting a tree at about 350 MPH. RIP Hammie!!!  

  8. toilet paper rolls lol

  9. Use a empty tissue box! Ur hamster will love it!

    Check out my hamster care site:

  10. i once made a little house out of a cardboard box and attached a slide to it made of toilet paper rolls. however i had to use some tape and then the box had ink on it. i had hoped my hamster wouldn't eat it but i gave it to her when she had babies and the wheel wasn't in the she had too much energy and ate it which was not very healthy for her. Fortunately she is OK.

    here is something i think is awesome and i made it.

    I kept my hamster in my bedroom for a while but the bedding began to stink too much. in our house on the third floor there is something like a tiny room like a hide out without a door, probably meant to be like a closet. so i moved my hamster's cage in there. i put it on the floor. i made huge but i really mean huge tunnels out of toilet paper rolls and some tape. they rarely go through them though. u can make smaller ones. i also put some small boxes for my hamsters to hide in.. i will probably add some slides to them. Finally, probably the most important thing, i pot 3 big boxes at the entrance so that they wouldn't escape. Once my hamster did escape,out of it's cage and out of the play place that i called Hamster Heaven, but that's a different story. After that i made the wall of boxes more secure and called it The Great Hamster Wall, like the Great Wall of China! I let my hamsters run around freely in Hamster Heaven but only under supervision. You can make something like this and even  and more stuff. Make sure it's VERY escape proof though. U can really be amazed how for the little rascals can go. Back to the escape of my hamster, we found her on the first floor under the jacket wardrobe (meaning she went down 2 sets of stairs).

    Wish you TONS OF FUN!!

  11. Take some popsicle sticks and make a hut of something. They can chew it to their hearts desire and sleep in them as well. I did that for my hamster with my friend.

    Or you can take string and some wood, or again a popsicle stick, and tie the string around it. Hang it on your hamsters cage so it's dangling, and your hamster has something to play with on hind legs!

    I am out of fresh ideas, have fun, hope this helps, and good luck!

  12. i love making card bord boxes with all sorts of things they can hange on and holes they can climb hamster loves it!!

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