
Making up bottles - Question?

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So i have boiled the kettle and mixed the formula in the sterilised bottles. Can i put these straight into the fridge even if they are still reasonably warm? Do i need to let them get cold and then refrigerate?





  1. Yeah...I fill the sink with cold water and stand them in there until cooled and then refrigerate :D

  2. your really not suppose to boil the bottle and nipples and more,lol it is terrible for the nipples and there is reallly no need to make bottles ahead of time, esp bc you cant microwave most bottles and usually not supppose to microwave formula anymore........ It doesnt take all that long to make a bottle, use the drop in with powder formula and use warm water to mix than use............ Bottle need a good clean wash......

  3. You can put them straight in the fridge after making them  :)

  4. well you not really supposed to leave the made up milk in the fridge now, your supposed to make it up when needed as it increases bacteria levels, which increases the chance of tummy ache.

    But I would cool them in a bowl or sink of cold water until cold or luke warm then put in the fridge. This is the way my mum did it (she had her last baby 11 years ago) and we are all fine.

    What I do is put the boiled water in the bottle and leave them in the fridge and when it is needed I warm the water up and then put the formula in.  

  5. Hello.I used to put them into the fridge while still warm,just make sure that your fridge is at the correct cool temperature.

  6. what i do is mix them up then give them a shake and leave them in a cold bowl of water for about 1/2 an hour then put them in the fridge, they have to be pretty luke warm to be put in the fridge, hope this helps take care stacey xx

  7. just pop in water,,add powder later as needed,that way water is room temp,,no warming is needed and its made fresh as u need it,.,ideal for going out too,just take bottle with measured water,and powder in a dispenser from boots,,the tommee tippee one? has room temp bottles in hospital,so carry on this at home easy at night time too as you dont have to warm up and wake the whole house up..personally i b/fed but when i did bottle with my son i was told this by my midwife...rather than making up bottles with powder and warming..its safer too.

  8. leave them to cool for half an hour to room tempreture then refrigerate them.but i make mine one at at time and leave the boiled water to cool so i can feed him straight away!hope this helps x

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