
Making your own baby food?

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This is probly a dumb question but how do you do it??? I know there is alot of moms on here that make their own so will you explain how you make it. and what all do you make?




  1. i am just getting started but so far i have made avocado,sweet potato,butternut squash,peas,carrots, and baby pancakes. i just bake them or steam them and put them in a food proccesser with a little water. i got alot of info from    i just put it in ice cube trays until frozen then transfer to ziploc bags. they will be good for about a month. its soo much fun and you can get really creative with it.  i am trying eggplant tommorow!

  2. You should definitely check out

    They offer recipes and give you instructions on how to store purees.

    When I started making my sons food, I used this website. It was very helpful! Good luck :)

  3. the answers above have the right idea on how to make and freeze baby food.

    another tip i've found useful is using a sieve to get a very smooth texture for cooked vegetables such as potoato.

    Put the vegetable or fruit into a sieve, and stir with a dessert spoon. the mixture quickly goes through the holes and is the perfect texture for first time eaters :)

    it saves a lot of time and energy doing it this way for instant meals. Otherwise you have to clean a food processer instead of just a sieve. And it's very portable.

  4. Sorry, I can not tell you what to make, we are only 5 months eating mommy's milk and will start foods soon, but I have researched a lot about it and one advise I can tell you make sure buy organic and naturally grown products for the food you will be making. I will be buying food to make sure it is organic without any pesticides or added growth hormones or any other junk they spray to keep insects away and food fresh. Hope this helps.

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