
Making your vote count?

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I been reading and seen where one user asked how can you even think about voting for McCain. One answered by asking if the asker had a job.

Yes the dems raised taxes where the republicans lowered them and gave $ back.

Thinking about how my life changed in pasted 8 years. My taxes was lowered, but my wife also lost her job due to company down-sizing and at the end of the year I will be looking for a job as well due to the company (same one as my wife worked for over 10 years) is closing it's doors and moving over seas.

I believe I rather pay a higher tax as a middle class and have a job rather than a lower tax and jobless as I soon will be. To add: Now we are fighting to keep our home because for the 1st time since we been together (10 years) we are seriously late on major bills.

What life changing event is going to get your vote to count?

Thank you.

Bring our jobs back home!




  1. I don't understand how you can come to the conclusion you have.  It is impossible for an increase in taxes to stimulate the economy.  Even the tax raising Democrats in Congress knew that when they signed the stimulus package.  Two things happening at the same time does not indicate there is a cause and effect relationship between them.

    My experience is that like you I have worked very hard and as smart as I am able to get ahead and stay there.  At every turn my expenses go up in ways I cannot control.  I have been actively looking to improve my situation in the long term, and have sacrificed wants and needs to invest in the future.  For every dollar I try to invest for the future, the government takes extra away from me to waste on disastrous social programs and benefits for non-citizens.  I'm on the verge of taking a loss for my efforts and sacrifices.    Why should I even try?  I will vote for whoever I think will do a better job of creating social mobility in which each of us has the opportunity to work hard and benefit from success.  Some very nasty things have been said about me on YA because of that.  The truth is that you can't help anyone else if you don't help yourself first.  You can't donate to charity what you don't own.  A lot of thieves out there think that they are entitled to the money I saved by wearing the same eye glasses for seven years.  If you want a job, you must vote against Obama.  His "tax on the rich" is just another in a long list of things keeping Americans from opening a successful business.  If business cannot prosper, there are no jobs.  If your employer is moving over seas, it is because the government has made it very difficult for them to make a profit.

    It is also very hard to compete against other countries that are not destroying their economy through eco-terrorism and junk science.  The schedule to elinimate $1/lb freon and replace it with $20/lb freon is still progressing despite scientists finally admitting there never was any such thing as a CFC provoked ozone hole.  Who among us does not need refrigeration?  What is gained by boosing the cost by a factor of 20?

    I'm sorry you are having so many financial problems, and I wish you good luck.  Check the voting records on who did and who did not vote for "free trade" agreements.  I think you will be surprised.

    Edit: Van needs to get a grip on the fact that $150,000 per year is middle class.  That hasn't been the wage of a rich person since the 1950's.

  2. higher taxes do not create jobs.....thats a falsehood

    ever been hired by a poor person???

  3. You are right...under the republicans, we get a REBATE of what?  $300?  But we pay it back when we buy the HIGHER GAS, we lose money and LIVES needlessly in IRAQ, ALL THE WHILE LARGE BUSINESSES GET TAX BREAKS.

  4. Everyone's vote counts.  I think you are trying to ask what is the major issue that people are considering when they try to decide who to vote for.  For me, it is health care.  I have a very good job and make a lot more than average wage, but I still cannot afford the ridiculous premiums charged by my health insurance.  I can't even afford the copay to see the doctor because I am dishing out all my money in premiums.  I am voting for Obama because his idea is to make everyone pay for health care, while McCain's idea is to tax everyone that already has health care to pay for health care for those who don't have it.  

    McCain's idea sounds very similar to welfare.  


  6. Move to Mexico , demand your rights as an iillegal

    That is where the American jobs are going. <><

  7. The numbers are correct.  My company is having trouble finding qualified construction personell as we speak.  

    McCain will lower taxes on coorperations, (consumers pay the taxes of coorperations anyway).  This is the reason for Jobs leaving.

    In all free trade is good and benefits America.  Do you buy stuff that does not benefit you?  There is an economic thoery, that has been developed and does not come underneath much debate.

    In fact a tariff has precluded every depression America has known.

    The problem we have is not free trade it is having the second highest coorperate tax in the world!!!

    We are one of the only countries to tax Coorperations on goods sold overseas!!!!!

    IF you really want to do something look at the link below, it is real change and really will help.

  8. I understand where you are coming from.  My life changing event happened when my sister had a tragic car accident that left her totally paralyzed with brain damage (she was dead for 13 minutes.)  Her husband  left her.  My seventy year old parents take care of her and I have raised her daughter from a previous marriage.  Each year my sister and my parents pay over $70,000 out of pocket for her health care.  This does not include her caretakers.  

    My husband and I are also feeling the effects of the economy.  We struggle month to month, could not afford to send our daughter to law school this year, and are wondering if it's ever coming back.  Something has to change.  This is not the America that I remember as a child, when people helped each other, and not everyone was out for himself.  A lot of people voting republican have no idea what it means.  They hear that Dems will raise taxes and they scream.  Do they know that taxes will be raised over $150k income?  Do they know that Sarah Palin is in the pocket of the oil companies?  Do they know that John McCain is a war monger that has no idea how most of America lives?  Do they have any idea that he had nothing to do with his choice of VP?    Dig a little deeper before you give your precious vote away, Americans!    Find out who is really going to work for you.  

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