
Mala with 103 beads...?

by  |  earlier

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I bought a mala [I believe that's what its called..]; some prayer beads, in a small shop a year or so ago on a whim, but only recently picked them up again..

I've been looking into Buddhism and the sorts ands from what I know, it's supposed to have 108 beads?...

But I've counted and recounted this countless times...

And it only has 103 beads..

What do I do? ;_;




  1. Five is just going outside ,please wait they will come back.

  2. By 5 more beads and hook it up with the rest. That's only if this situation is a huge deal for you.

  3. Throw it away it is Idolatry  

  4. Different sect of Buddhism and Hinduism have different styles of prayer beads with different number of them.

    My sect for example has 108 beads, 104 for Human Vices, 4 for Human Virtues but they are not counted during chanting or prayer.

    Go to a temple or other Buddhist center and buy a new set.

    Try finding another Buddhist of the sect you are interested in to talk to. There may be other things you should know.                      

  5. The significant of 108. 108 is the product of 12 and 9

    12 is the objective world

    9 is the Brahman number

    Therefore, there is both truth and travesty in the world, the travesty attracts, distracts and delights in deceiving you, divert you into devious path, the truth make you free.

    So, do you want to be free? - get a mala with 108 beads.

  6. There should be 108 and not 103. Please buy a new one and throw this away into the sea or river!

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