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Hi, i have recently been having pain in my testicles 1 day it was that bad i had to sit down. I am going to my local hospital but when i walk in and go to the reception desk what do i do? what do i say? ive never been on my own before.




  1. DUDE honestly it just sounds like a case of blue balls u shouldnt have to worry about that. but if any more questions my

    msn messenger:

  2. make an appointment then you dont have to say anything to the receptionist

  3. Say what you just said  

  4. You don't actually need to tell the receptionist what the problem is. If they ask just say I'd rather not say.

    If you have any other questions, send an email or add my IM, I could help.

  5. go to your doctor he will tell you whether you need a hospital or not it may just be a localised infection that's easily treated by anti-biotics if you do go to hospital tell the receptionist the truth you won't shock them they've heard it all before

  6. The reception only needs to know that you have an appointment with the doctor . If you are there to make the appointment just say you need to consult a doctor regarding pain in testicles . They are all used to dealing with such things , you need some reassurance about the issue so do not be worried about relating your problem

    Good Luck  

  7. if the receptionist is fit say;

    'ey up love my balls are killing me; any chance of a titwank.'

  8. Just say "i would like so see a dr please" and tell her preferably a male/female.  What ever you would prefer.  The receptionist wont ask whats wrong with you.  Patient confidentiality.

  9. say it just as you've said it on here. it wont be something theyv nevr heard before

  10. you will go to a desk in the E.R. and believe me they have heard everything so just say I am having bad pain in my testicles. They will not be embarrassed or react.

  11. "Uh, my balls hurt."

    Isn't it obvious? You don't say it like that!

  12. put a bit of cream on your p***s and rub the f******n up and down until u fire out a lot of  white stuff the pain will go then cause u are overloaded with sperm  

  13. How about...

    "I have testicular pain."

  14. I used to have that for some odd reason too, they just diagnosed me with basically chronic testicular pain. They will have to feel around and ask if you have been hit there n questions like that. It could be slight entanglement and is best to get it checked out just in case something is wrong. Tell them you have been having severe testicular pain. I know at my hospital they make everyone wait, but with something like that maybe they could get you in and check it out quickly. Good luck, hope its just a minor injury or something easily fixed.  

  15. can you massage my nuts?

    only if she's attractive though

  16. if  havent beat off lately try doing that sometimes spearm builds up and it can get serious,if you have then ask for the doctor.

  17. Just go in or ring up you local doctors and make an appointment to see a doctor. They honestly won't care or make any judgement on your problem at all. That is what they are there for. You must go and see someone, because it could mean a number of things. Honestly just tell them asactly what the problem is. They won't mind at all. I hope I have helped!

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