
Male Athletes vs. Female Athletes?

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Both men and women, please answer.

I don't want to be hurting anbodies feelings here, but everyday, I keep on hearing women talk about how great women athletes are, and sometimes, they even say that they are better than male athletes, WHAT? If this is true, then why are mens swimming times faster, why do we jump higher than women, why do we hit tennins serves faster than women, who do we hit golf balls further than women, why do we run faster than women. All you have to do is watch the olypics, and you can clearly see that men dominate any sport that comes down to phyisical prowess.


I am sorry if I antagonize anybody, but this question has been bugging me for awhile.




  1. it depends some guys run faster than some girls but i know a really tough person who is a woman ans she is the toughest person i evr met. She tore her ACL in her knee twice and her meniscus and she broke her nose three times and she broke evry one of her fingers at least once from playin one sport so it depends who u r and wat ur strengths r

  2. i think we're equal athletes because even though the average man is 20% stronger than the average women that doesn't mean there better at all sports!

    women are just as good to because we have better balance, more flexibility, and a higher tolerance of pain which is a proven fact! so we may not be the strongest but we do have a lot of advantages that men don't and men do have advantages that women don't so in the end it all pretty much evens out!

  3. FEMALE. What kind of question.Girls will be coming 4 u 8-( . jk lol!!!!But girls are more flexibe and lighter so we can do more and jump higher!!!!

  4. You cannot just do overall athlete because I'm a girl and I'm much better athlete than most guys at my school..... but as girls get older they don't do as much so it all depends on what your  talking about.And getting beat by a girl is not a bad thing..... i beat all the guys except one at dodge ball at school and i beat most of them at basketball! And races i always win!

  5. Obviously, men have greater strength and the ability to go further than any women. And the records prove it. Men definitely  perform better in athleticism.

    But it's really silly to compare mens prowess with the womens. It's a no contest. And it's pretty logical to conclude that. Why the question now? One shouldn't be bothered about who is better. The male or female? Unless you got beat by a girl......

    Women athletes are great mentally since most of them juggle their professional career with family. It's not easy performing at the greatest level after giving birth. They all have to re start. And most women athletes do not train professionally. Making up with a full time job and part time training, these women have given their dues in sports..... Lets glorify what these women have given to sports and not compare them with the superior males...

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