
Male Virgos: Describe yourselves when in actual love?

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Male Virgos: Describe yourselves when in actual love?




  1. dated few

    they will Chase you when you don't pay attention to them.

    when you start paying attention to them, that's when they distand themselve from you. they take their sweet time and it's all about them, you won't matter, it's all about when they are ready to talk to you again and commit.

    the only way a virgo will commit to you is when he really, really, i mean really like you, and you know you like him, but you don't pay much attention to him and show him that he will lose you if he doesn't commit, that's the only way they will commit if they really, really, really like you.

    they don't like over sensitive girls, and people who wear they love on their sleave turn them off.

    my first virgo, i show him that i liked him and when he started to distance himself from me, i walk away and got busy wih my life. everytime i show him after that, i walk just say hi and walk away and didn't give him any of my time at all, say hi and walking away was all i give him. he saw that i was getting attentions from other guy which i didn't do it to get his attention but it naturally happen. i guess he got jealous and ask for my number first and i barely answered his phone calls just because i was very busy at that time. few days later, this virgo guy hold me and kissed me in front of a lot of people.

    we dated for 5 years after that.

    show you like him, if he is distancing himself from you, which is what they do when they really like, SIMPLY WALK AWAY, DON'T ANSWER HIS PHONE CALLS WHICH HE MIGHT NOT ALL FOR A WHILE,  don't call him back, he me ask to see you, tell him what you want from him, from there you will know where you stand.

    they will be effectionist one minute and the next distance away from you, if he does that, start away and show that others want you and if that don't do it. please walk away, because he will keep you waiting. AND MAKE ROOM FOR YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND TO COME IN INSTEAD OF WAITING.

    i just really want to help you out that's why i wrote all of this, because i dated few and believe me i know them well, and i have friends virgos. they simply like  to chase you. period.

  2. virgos do not explode over love, they show it through being thoughful, caring, and wanting to be close to partner (earth sign quality)

  3. When I feel I am in love I guess i'm just filled with joy and feel really appreciated and respected. I know I am in love when I like the woman not because of her gains, but for her cute little imperfections that only she does.  When I am in love I feel devoted to that person and loyal.

  4. Frenchi, you are so right.  I work with a virgo male and I do like him.  When I'm attentive, he seems disinterested.  When I don't smile or give him attention he sees it as a challenge and tries to rise to it.  I tell him if I'm upset etc, rarely does he do this.  I used to e-mail/text him, I've stopped now.  We e-mail kinda professionally at work and he seems to respond well to e-mail yoyo.  I'm now at a stage where I feel that if he cared the way I'd like him to, he should be more direct.

  5. i feel more optimistic, feel being nice to everyone.

    more confident.

    wanna be close to partner.

    im a virgo libra cusp

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