
Male and Female rats...?

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I've done my research, and I know that rats are best kept in same s*x pairs, but I was wondering if would be okay to get a male and a female, and have them both "fixed". Yes, they would be in the same cage. Thanks.




  1. female and male rats can get along as well as same s*x pairs.i have both and they all love each other(not literallly).it sounds like you are a mature and responsible pet owner if you're willing to get them both fixed.enjoy your rats!

  2. theyd reproduce, now if thats a good thing or bad...i dunno. Haha

  3. Oh god....:-))hahaha mwah male ...bye,bay,bay...

  4. If you get rats fixed, their mortality rate for the procedure is high. Going under anesthesia is very risky for small animals and the surgery is not easy on the animal either. Just stay with same gender pairs as, there's less risk of them fighting too. Good luck.

  5. if you get them both "fixed" you wont have to worry about them producing offspring. of course it would just be easier to get two of the same s*x though

  6. if you get a pair of the same s*x they get along much better than a pair of the opposite s*x

  7. You can do that, yes. I'd get the female fixed since it has a lot of health benefits (lowers the chances of benign mammary and pituitary tumors later in life, both very common in unspayed females).

    Make sure you get an experienced small animal vet for the procedure.

  8. It's certainly OK to get a male and a female if you fix them. Although, you'd really only NEED to fix one of them. I'd recommend the female, since they're more prone to tumors in the reproductive organs than males are (although males get them, too). Getting them fixed is actually desirable because it reduces the risk of tumors. I recall someone saying that getting a female fix reduces the risk of uterine tumors from a 60% chance to a 4% chance, although I don't know where they got those percentages so I don't know if they're totally accurate.

    Males and females tend to be the easiest to introduce, too, although you'd still be better off going through the entire introduction process.

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