
Male bosses/authority figures: should ladies wear skirts/dresses at work?

by Guest58548  |  earlier

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idk were i read that ladies are taken more seriously @ work if they wear skirts or dresses. do you agree with this does it matter if she do or not, women you can answer to, what do you think




  1. I think women should decide for themselves whether to wear skirts or dresses at work.  Unless it would be inappropriate to wear skirts or dresses, e.g they are lifeguards or firefighters, the choice should be theirs.

    And I hope I , as a fellow, am given latitude in deciding my form of dress.

  2. This doesn't happen where I work now but in a job I had in college I would wear skirts or dresses sometimes and I found that I was treated more like a s*x object than taken seriously. Some men respected me no matter what I wore, listened when I gave my input, and complimented me on my entire. Others however just couldn't seem to get passed the fact that I was a female in a dress/skirt.

    In my current job I do not have a problem with this. As long as I show up, in dress code and do my job well then I am respected and treated fairly.

  3. As an employer I have found that I do not care if women weardresses or pants.  We maintain a dress code that supports either in good taste.

    As to being taken seriously that depends on the person and not their clothes.  A valued employee is taken seriously.

  4. As a manager, I try not to pay attention, but I don't think women are taken or should be taken more seriously because they wear skirts or dresses.  I care that my people dress appropriately and professionally and look put together but thats about it.  Plus from a sexist standpoint, it's probably better that women dress (nicely but) more conservatively, as looking hot for a boss will either accomplish nothing or cause problems.

  5. I don't really think it matters whether or not a woman wears a skirt or pants. The point is, is she dressing to be professional, or is she dressing to be sexually attractive? If it's the latter, she is less likely to be taken seriously.

  6. Long and professional looking skirts, yes. Otherwise long pants just as the male counterparts.

    We don't allow men to come in shorts to work, so its just that miniskirts are not allowed in a working environment. Its serves no purpose, and its a distraction.

  7. If that's true how do you explain Hillary Clinton and her pantsuits?  She's made it pretty far.

    There are some companies that have polices concerning panty hose.  Panty hose are a requirement if wearing a skirt.  This policy is blatantly sexist.  Think of the part panty hose suffocates.  They're trying to suffocate our womanhood.

    Far fetched?

  8. I think that everyone is more successful at work if they dress the part, that is looking very put together and as attractive as they can.  This goes for both men and women.  Now as far as wearing skirts and dresses, I believe that women who go overboard (show too much cleavage, wear their skirts too short) are not taken as seriously because they are pushing the line of looking s**y versus looking professional.  You want to look nice and professional but having your b*****s showing I believe makes people take you less serious, more of a pretty face than an intelligent, competent worker.

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