
Male circumcistion ?

by  |  earlier

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how to i go about getting circumcised on the nhs as i cant afford private surgery




  1. I would check in your community. Circumcision is a very simple procedure and you should be able to get it done cheap.

  2. if it needs doing the nhs will do it if you just want it doing sorry you'll have to pay

  3. uh 1st of all why would u wanna get circumsized ? !! if its a health problem and there is no other way to cure it ok get circ. if not LEAVE IT ALONE !!

  4. They probably won't pay for it, as it's unnecessary and in the UK most guys don't have it done.

    Before you even take this step, look at the site CIRCUMSTITIONS, and you may want to consider changing your mind.

    If you have some problem with your f******n, you can also look at the site called CIRP which has non-mutilating treatments.

    Circumcision destroyed my s*x life, making it impossible to reach o****m in normal s*x; make sure that this doesn't happen to you.

    Good luck

  5. Ignore these ani - circumcision arguments. If you want to do it,  get it done. You won't regtret it. See circlist web site.

  6. You should only have it done if it is medically necessary.  After all, being uncircumcised make you 100% male.  Plus your s*x life will be more satisfying being uncircumcised since the f******n contains a lot of sensitive nerves that enhance your male experience.

    If it is medically necessary, then the NHS should cover it.

  7. If there is a medical need, then see your GP, he will refer you.

  8. do you get balinitis or something?

    if so your doctor will refer you to a specialist who may suggest an operation.

    If not, don't have it done, there is no need in this day and age.

    People used to get it done for hygiene, but these days everyone has a bath or shower, so there is no need for that reason

    If its for pleasure, forget it, its no less pleasure able with skin on.

    I jnow bcos i did a survey on it.

  9. Are you currently having a medical issue or just want to get it done?  Perhaps we can help in that area more... I doubt you can get it done for free/reduced.

    From my experience many people feel pressured in to getting it done.  But really, the only one that will probably see your p***s is your lover... who shouldn't care about whether you are circumcised or intact.

  10. if there is no need they will not do it, there are no benefits that justify the harm or the risk
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