
Male dog not fixed, female is fixed, female seems to hurt in rear area, did the male dog get a hold of her?

by Guest33740  |  earlier

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Male dog not fixed, female is fixed, female seems to hurt in rear area, did the male dog get a hold of her?




  1. Probably not, male dogs won't breed a female unless she is in heat, females won't let a male breed them unless she is in heat. (If it did happen you would have heard a LOT of snarling/fighting going on and the ***** would have probably injured the male). She needs to see a vet! She might have a urinary tract infection, (common in spayed b*****s) or something else going on that needs to be looked at.

  2. Male dogs are not supposed to be interested in s*x if the female is not in heat, even if they are not fixed.

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