
Male enhancement question?

by  |  earlier

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hello, i am 17 years old and i want to upgrade my s*x life. I want to get some pills that make my p***s larger. I am not joking. I know they exist but i dont want to go thru the hassle of buying them on the internet. I have two questions: What is the name of the pill and which local drug store can i buy it at? and is it safe for me who is under 18 to use it without having any problems? also, do i have to be 18 to buy this product? please help, there is a deadline for me to upgrade :)




  1. The size of your p***s has been determined through heredity (your DNA). You are not going to be able to change the size of any of your body parts with drugs etc. Do you think you could get longer toes by buying a drug?

    The only one who benefits from selling "so called Pills" like this is the guy who is selling it.  It does wonders for his bank account.

  2. Have you try herbal supplements? Go to the websiet which can provide you more info.

  3. Pills cannot enlarge your p***s, pal. But something else can and it is proven.

    This is the p***s traction device. Works on the principle of stretching. There are some good quality devices on the market that can help you get a bigger p***s.

    The only problem is you need to wear the thing over your p***s for a few hours a day for several months. Might be a little uncomfortable at first. But no pain, no gain, right?

  4. Forget about them. There are no pills that will work.

  5. anyone who wastes their money on such rubbish must have more money than sense. they are all a scam.


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