
Male friend acting weird?

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I have a male friend from work and have known him about a year. Last night we were at a party and he seemed really happy. I shared some good news with him and he kept telling me I was great. He was dissing me all night in a jokey way and kept saying things to make me laugh. We had a serious moment also where he said shyly said he would always be there for me if I needed help. He was looking at the ground like he was embarrassed or something. Sometimes though he is cooler towards me like he blows hot and cold. I mentioned another bloke once and he was looking at the ground again and he went very quiet. Are these signs? I don't want to confuse them with friendship. Please help.




  1. it definitely sounds like he really likes you. If you dont feel the same way, tell him right away. But try not to hurt his feelings

  2. Hmm well i think that he might like you more than friends but he could just be shy. I think you should carry on like normal with him and if there are any more signs that he likes you more maybe talk to him about it x

  3. he might have feelings for you but he also might worry that you think he has. my best friend is a 19 year old girl and she felt wierd with me because i kept saying i only want to be her friend and she thought i was hiding feelings for her. i was just worried about people thinking i wanted more becuse we're so close but i think of her more like a sister because i've known her since she was kid. let him know you can never be more than friends and say you know he's always there for you and let him sort his head out for a bit

  4. its difficult to say , maybe he is very shy and truly good friend talk to him about you're doubts

  5. The guy is immature and still coming to terms with his feelings about life and people.  He is not comfortable with himself as yet and he will act unpredictably as you say.  Also, was he drinking as that can either draw people inside themselves or bring them out. Unless you really want a committed relationship with this guy, I suggest you proceed with caution ... he may never change.  Good luck ....

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