
Male led relationships are encouraged by some people in society

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But the thought of a female led relationship seems to freak everyone out. Why is that?




  1. Come on, there's loads of under the thumb p***y whipped guys out there.  

  2. my mum leads my dad and i think that works the best. she organises finances, thinks of all the ideas and decisions, does all the discipline etc. (my dad reminds me of Hal from Malcolm in Middle when Lois goes out. he doesnt know what to do!

  3. The thought of a female led relationship doesn't freak me out, so long as it's someone else's relationship, it just isn't my personal cup of tea.

  4. You mean where the women wear the pants, so to speak? I know plenty of married couples like this; one fellow is not even allowed to watch TV shows or listen to music that suits his own taste, he must kowtow to what the wife is into. In my opinion, it's his fault for putting up with it.  

  5. Oh quite pandering to the "men don't like us because they are afraid of strong women" crowd. Its an urban legend, a lie some women tell themselves to feel better about not finding people willing to put up with their bitchiness

  6. I don't think people are more freaked out by it than male led relationships. Actually, I think its quite the contrary. When a man is a leader in a relationship, he is immediately labeled as a abusive and oppressive and the woman is labeled as a weak and moronic .  Of course, I am going based on what I have personally experienced in regard to comments made about my previous relationships.

    I really couldn't care how others behave in their relationships but I do ask that I am shown the same respect in how I manage mine.

  7. It does not matter what gender is 'leading'. When one person is non-consensually oppressively controlling of the other, it's a bad situation that the oppressed party may need assistance getting out of.

    It would be nice if all relationships could be equal, with neither partner leading. However, usually one partner is in control or tends to make the decisions. The important thing is for the 'in control' partner to always check in with their partner to ensure that the decisions they are making are OK.

    I'm very dominant and like to 'just get it done'. My sweetie will get stuff done, but sometimes he has to be gently nudged to do it. It doesn't bother me to do the nudging and it doesn't bother him to be nudged, but I often check that the issue is something he WANTS to be nudged about. For example, if your partner has talked about weight loss and mentioned that encouragement would be nice, ask them exactly HOW they want to be encouraged. Do they want you to work out with them? Do they want you to be careful about eating junk food around them, or shop differently so there are healthier foods in the fridge?

    Communication between partners is key, not what gender 'runs' the relationship.  

  8. Because society equates dominance with masculinity, so many men feel threatened by the idea of dominant women.

  9. are you sure you're a man?

  10. In modern times, it's the other way round. Male led relationships are portrayed as abusive and degrading, whilst female led relationships are seen as empowering for both people and a mark of progression.

    Some people like to submit, some like to dominate... too much emphasis is placed on gender when it's really about individual preferences. Nothing between consenting adults should freak anyone out.  

  11. It's the way I like it, that's all that counts.

  12. I don't know....for me, it isn't that it freaks me out. I think that men who let their wives push them around are rather weak - I could *never* respect a man who I could boss around. Ever. And it seems like alot of the time when women wear the pants they do it in a catty or selfish way and end up regarding their husbands as an overgrown child. Some do it nicely....but many do not. And, I'm pretty old-fashioned - I think men should lead the family.

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