
Male or Female Chihuahua, Which one should I Choose?

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My friend’s Chihuahua just had babies and she is giving me one, I have a choice between a Male or Female but it would be my first dog and I was wondering which one would be better to own, Any suggestions?




  1. Male, female dogs tend to be more aggressive and they bleed until they are fixed.

  2. I would say female especially if this is your first dog because male dogs can be dominant alpha males and try to over power you. Meet the dogs and choose the most calm by themselves one because if you do you won't have to spend every single sec. watching it. High energy ones tend to have to be played with every minute and get into stuff all the time if you don't watch them. Males also bark more because they try to be dominant.

    Good Luck!!!

  3. I own both female & male chihuahua & I love them both & wouldn't change them for nothing but I think a female is cleaner than a male.. @ least from my experience! Either one is a great choice as long as you train them well!

  4. I own two male chihuahuas. My step mother has two females. Each s*x has their pros and cons. The males are less "moody" and are sweeter than her girls. The male chihuahuas' major down fall is their marking. My dogs are paper trained, but their male hormones get the best of them. They are territorial and like to mark repeatedly. If you plan on getting only one this would be less of an issue. I plan on getting them neutered soon so hopefully that will help remedy the situation at least a little bit.

    I don't think the s*x is as important as the temperament of the individual dog. I'd play with the puppies to see what you think. People on here may say my female dog is sweet, while others prefer males. (I love my boys and wouldn't trade them for anything.) It's all biased. However, if you don't want to deal with marking, a female may be your best bet.

  5. Female! rtheir not as messy(p**p) as much as males!

  6. Males tend to well leave there mark around there house its like saying "this is my territory" What i mean is  they pee all over the place lol.  I know girl dogs have to get spaded and everything but, males can't have puppies and pee everywhere to "mark territory". Another thing is that, females ( this is what i've heard so I'm not positive) are less aggressive then males. But i mean its your choice not mine, i'm just saying which I would pick.

    Also i would like to metion that every dog has its on personality so even though someone may have a boy and it may act dull and boring they don't all act like that and same with a girl and ect.....So i didn't really add any traits in besides  the agressive part.

    ☻Hope I helped ☻

  7. Heck get 1 of each they are small dogs hehehehe  

  8. hi, next time you are at your friends place--sit on the floor and call the pups to you,the first pup that comes to you is the one for you--trust me--cheers--

  9. It doesn't matter, a dog's character isn't necessarily dependent on s*x. I've been around both male's and females my whole life and it really doesn't matter what s*x, they're both unique depending on the individual. My dog is female and is definitely a part of the pack, while my families dogs have all been male and have also been part of the pack. I guess I just don't see the difference based on s*x.

  10. As people have said, look at the puppies and see which you prefer.  I have 1 male and 1 female Chi.  The female is hyper, she plays constantly, barks when people come in, jumps all over everyone and generally causes havoc!  The male on the other hand is the laziest dog I've ever seen, he sleeps practically all of the time when we are home but runs around like crazy when we go outside.  He used to mark when we first got him but since then he has been neutered and it has stopped.

    Both are very affectionate, with completely different characters so your best bet is probably to go with the puppy that appeals to you most.

    You're gonna love it no matter what :)

  11. females have puppy's males mark there teritory so its up to you

  12. Female. She will more than likely not pee in your house if you train her to use the restroom outside when you take her out for a walk.

    Males will be more tempted to pee inside the house to mark territory.

    Also temperament of the dog comes from breeding. I have a female chihuahua, and she is adorable and very sweet.

  13. I would say male because males seem to be more playful. Females can be more protective. They tend to protect their self and their territory more. Males could care less. Male chihuahua's LOVE to play, while females rather lay down. Hope this helped!

  14. female because they don't pee where ever they feel like it. they hold it till you take her outside. And females are more loveable and caring.

  15. Wait until they're showing more personality, and pick the one you like best!  At around 6 weeks you'll be able to see the kind of personality traits you like.  Gender won't matter after you've fallen in love with the antics of one specific pup!

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