
Male or Female Hamster?

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I'm getting a Teddy Bear hamster in the fall. Can you tell me about Teddy Bear Hamsters and the Good and Bad stuff about male or female, teddy bear hamsters or another kind, etc.

Thanks, I really appreciate it.


P.S. This is my first hamster!




  1. Dear Hamster Inquirer,

    Teddy Bear Hamsters are great hamsters if they're your first hamster pet because they are not so fast that you can't handle them, and they love to be played with! There are several negative and positive aspects to the TB hamsters.

    First off, I want to start with a negative. I don't know about you, but I do not like long haired animals, and I am sensitive to the shedding hair. I have never had Teddy Bear hamsters for that reason only.

    They are great animals to handle. You definitely do not want to get Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters if this would be your first hamster pet, because they do not like to be held, they will squirm, and they're extremely quick on their feet.

    Males are generally more aggressive than females. One bad thing about females is that they get their "heat", (period) twice a month. During this time, they can give off a very foul odor. This might be a reason to keep them downstairs or out of your room.

    You probably know this, but hamsters are completely nocturnal. If you want an animal that you can play with during the day, hamsters are not your type of animal. You might want to try a dog or something like that.

    If you need help, please e-mail me via my profile.

    Thanks and good luck with your TB hamster,

    Pet Rodent Expert

  2. I like females so that you don't have to feel its junk (I think you know what I am saying). They are a bit high strung, but it is not as nasty like it would be with a boy.

    Boys get large but are more docile.

    They are both excape artists so get  an metal cage NOT plastic. This site will give you more information that you will need. Good luck!

  3. i had 6 male hamsters they were very calm.then I got a female one and it bit everybody it even tried 2 attack my male hamsters in the end we gave her back.i suggest a male.

  4. I once had a male teddy bear hamster and he had the biggest set of nuts, I was jealous!!

  5. Female Teddy Bear hamsters aren't as docile as the males. They also fight each other. I've found it better to have a single hampster to a cage if possible. I bought two females when I first got mine and they fought all the time, I had to buy a second I would suggest a male.

    Hamsters take a lot of work to keep their area clean and they will throw their bedding across the room if you have a wire cage instead of a full plastic or glass one, but they can be really cool pets if you have a lot of time to devot to them.

    I used to love giving little pieces of fruit or sunflower seeds to my hamsters and watch them stuff them in their cheeks and scurry up their tube to their nest. It was Sadly, I had to give Peanut and Butter away because my cat kept causing trouble with them, but they were cute while I had

  6. I have had both & people say males r nicer but to me they r the same once ur hamster has gotton used to ur scent. I would get either one.  And the web site Kristina A gave you is my FAVORITE hamster web site & I recommend it for everyone. It's clear easy to read & tells you everything u need to know. If I were u I would put  Kristina A answer best answer.

  7. i got a female and it attacked me like crazy. males are more calm. i would go with a male.

  8. They are nice cuddly pets especially the males.  They love people.  Get one, you will like it.

  9. You should get a male hamster there more calm unlike female hamsters that will bite you!

    but overall Teddy Bear hamsters are the best hamsters to get!


  10. I Had a pet hamster before.Chat me at i can tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about Teddy Bear hamsters.

    --I ONLY CHAT.--

  11. its just all good stuff

  12. females and males are both great.  i have had all females (12) and (2) males, but not all at the same time, males don't get along with other males and females fight with other females, either get one male or one female.

    i really don't think the males are any calmer.  but they have big things (if you know what i mean) and i hated holding him and feeling them in my hands.  EWWWW  i think you would like a female better.


    teddy bears are the best hamsters. they are so sweet, and just curl up in your lap. with sugar (one of mine) i could sit and watch tv for hours and she would sleep in my lap.  if you get a young one she/he might be scared at first and bite you but it doesn't hurt, it just feels like a little pinch and it doesn't bleed.  she/he will do it only for a few days until it gets used to you and they she will know your scent.


    you will need to get a cage for the hamster.  it should come with a  wheel, a food and water dish and bedding.  keep the cage clean, if it is not they can get this sickness that is like a flu but it kills them.  it is called wet tail.  their tail gets all wet and they get the sniffles, and eventually die.  clean the cage when ever it starts to look dirty like one a week or once every other week.


    you will need to get hamster food.  and fill it up when ever she/he runs out.  be sure to look all around the cage for food because they have pouch sin their cheeks to store food, and they hide it under their bedding to save it for later.  so make sure she is low on food before giving her more because you don't want to make her fat.


    give him/her new water each day, you can just use sink water, or tap water.  they get dehydrated very easily so make sure there is plenty of water available all the time.  

    you will have so much fun with the hamster,they are great pets, and if you get a girl she won't bite all the time like the other people said.  ii had 12 hamsters (females) in my life so far and i have only been bitten a few times and they didn't even hurt.

    have fun, good luck, and i hope i gave you enough info.

  13. hmm well if u get a male hamster youll hav to get a soft toothbrush to groom his hair (u can do the same with a female) but males are usaully "less caring" bout what they look like.. teddy bear hamster is just another name for long haired syrian. so u can never put it with another hamster no matter wat kind!.. i have a female long haired .. but shes very ill rite now and at the vets :(...i also hav a short haired male syrian.. they dont evn kno each other exist! haha they nevr! see each other.. anyways male or female is fine. you can look them both up on google and any other info u need.. HAV FUN WITH THE HAMMY!! their lots of joy.. and boy or girl!??! once u get it home.. you wont care what kind or color you got!! best wishes

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