
Male or female Bourke Parakeet...which is better?

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I'm ready to buy a "pet" rosa bourke parakeet, but can't decide on a boy or girl. I really would like a male. In the book "Bourke's Parakeets" by Doreen Haggard, it's stated that the c**k has a lovely temperament and handles very well...the hen squawks a little and might give a little nip. Is there really a major difference between the sexes?




  1. Well cheers to you u did a little research:) im very happy! both male and females make good pets but female birds in general are often a little bit bossier,nippier,and a little louder than their male counter parts but it could be debateable. I have a male lovebird and everyone though it was a female cause he constantly squawks but dna tests showed him to be a male:) yes like the person above me stated female birds will sometimes lay  eggs with or without a male present. the only problem is that once you rmeove the egg the bird might continue to lay eggs which could be detrimental to its health especially if high calcium food(calcium used for egg production) is in short supply. your best bet is to go with a male and make sure that it is a male. if you can have the place where your getting him dna test him for you to certify that its is male i hope this helps

  2. If you want one bird, get a male one.  Females lay eggs that wouldn't get fertilized without a male.  So there would be nothing to do with your eggs, I guess.

  3. any i like bright color ones like red, blue, yellow

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