
Male police officer searching a female?

by  |  earlier

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heres my situation i cut my wrists a couple of days ago and a random person phoned the ambulance and when i would let the ambulance treat me they call for the police a female and male officer came and forced me into the ambulance the female officer left me in the ambulance with the male officer and a male paramedic the male officer called for the female to search me for anymore weapons but she didnt come because she didnt like the sight of blood so the male one said f*** it and searched me himself he patted down my pants pockets and went into my jacket pockets he didnt find anything even though i had another 7 razor blades on me. was it right what he did also i need some advice on how the paramedic treated me he didnt physically touch me but he said some hurtfull things like i was attention seeking and i would have done more damage if i would have bit myself. was the paramedic out of order when he said that and was the police officer in the wrong for searching me.

i know its long but its the shortest i could have made it.

thanks for reading





  1. If I had of been that male officer I would not have searched you.

    The reason.

    1.  You could  have made a complaint and he could have lost his job.

    But in all fairness the reason he did search you was to prevent you causing yourself any more injuries or killing yourself.

    Unfortunately if you are stating the true facts there is a lot like you and the Govt has failed people like yourself because they haven't a clue how do deal with you.  I hope some day you can get yourself sorted.

    Do not find fault with the emergency services. They are only doing a job.

  2. female officer shouldn't of refused it her job to pat down  females   why he called for her and paramedic had no right to say it you could have mental disorder you do need to seek help please

  3. Let's see if I understand this- he helped save your life, and your upset that he touched you?

    I guess you DO have problems!

  4. 1. The para medic was right if you wanted to kill your self you could have hit a main artery. Sympathy cutters are known to get sympathy from slashes just a subcutaneous cutting.

    2. The police officer was in his right to pat search you as he did to see if their were any other weapons for destruction to yourself.

    3. You have a problem about cutting yourself. This is not normal and may I suggest that you get counseling on this problem you have before you miss a slash, cut to deep and end up a victim.

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